[sup]"The night is dark and full of terrors, and I will become the monster who gives them nightmares"[/sup]
James Lockehart
27 | October 14th | 6ft 2 | First Class
[indent][color=7d7d7d]James is a tall, lean man, with all the lithe musculature of a panther. His body is a tapestry of scars that he's gained during his time as a SOLDIER, though his most prominent one happened before his time in the program. A long deep, nasty looking gash that goes across his right eye, and while he has no idea where it came from, every time he sees it brings an unconscious clench to his jaw as a tumult of emotions run through him, bringing with then dark thoughts of death and rage, curses to an unknownshadiw of a past forgotten. His face can be seen as somewhat handsome, though the ashen color of his skin, blood red eyes(mutations caused by the introduction of Aeon cells into his body), and intimidatingly cold demeanor of his presence tend to keep most people from considering him as such.

As far as clothing goes, the closest thing he wears is the under armor for Cerburus, a black, form fitting nano-fiber weave suit that serves as added ballistics protection and shock absorption when worn in conjunction with the outter armor. If that is currently being repaired or cleaned, he tends to wear nothing, not having much care for modesty and only dressing when ordered or told to by a superior, as well as given clothes to do so, as he has none of his own, not really seeing them as needed or comfortable.[/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][color=7d7d7d]James is a cold and calculating individual, never really showing much in the ways of emotion besides annoyance when dealing with people outside of combat. Despite not knowing anything about his past, he has little to no curiosity in much of anything, never seeing the need to ask questions for anything. Instead, he simply does as he's told by the higher ups, like a loyal dog doing his master's bidding. He has little care for things like tact or morality, and will unflinchingly say whatever he feels needs to be said without filter or restraint. This, mixed with his cold, distant attitude, makes most people think of him as an asshole and thus, they give him a proper distance, which he doesn't mind in the slightest. 

However, despite these characteristics, James does have a heart in that chest of his, though it only shows when one of his allies is in danger. Something about the thought of leaving anyone in his fire team behind just fills him with such a sense of dread that he couldn't possibly allow it to happen, and thus, he'll always be the first one to go back to save another teammate, even when jot goes against orders and when it would mean almost certain suicide. While he may not like everyone in his outfit, they are part of his team and he feels obligated to make sure they make it through every fight by completely exterminating any form of danger that comes their way.

This leads to how James behaves in combat, and that James is a completely different animal. Gone is the cold, demeanor of a machine, replaced instead by the mad fervor of a beaten animal, eager to rip apart everything in it's path in a savage frenzy of claws and bloodlust. While he isn't the only one to forgo weapons in favor of using his bare hands, he maybe the only one with such a savage way of doing so, as he doesn't just strike down his enemies with well-placed strikes. He rips them to shreds, his hands just as deadly as any claws as he seeks to mutilate his enemies, a walking twister of destruction, death and savagery. I f his face wasn't hidden underneath his Cerburus armor, one would see the almost maniacally, yet equal broken grin on his face as he goes about his bloody business, laughing like a mad man in the heat of the battle. Not only is his brutal way of fighting effective in a combat sense, but it's also a brilliant tactical maneuver when facing the resistance, as to them, he seem more like a rapid monster then a man, ripping their comrades to pieces with such a passionate rage that it's enough to make even the most battle harden warriors soil themselves in fear. Yet even in the what of battle, his mind is never completely lost to the madness, a small part pot his psyche forming plans and tactics on the fly, calmly and rationally deciding the where to unleash the destructive maelstrom of violence that James has become.[/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][color=7d7d7d]James was once the son of highly regarded scientist turned billionaire CEO, Nathaniel Lockehart. While his family wasn't the happiest, with his father tending to put in long hours, his mother hardly ever focusing on annyone but herself and her needs, and his siblings(of which he had 6) seeming to do all they could to annoy him whenever he was around, it was simple and full of distractive luxuries to take his mind way from his problems. However, such a life, free from the war and suffering of the world below, was not to last. 

It began with the cries of the dying, followed soon by the demented laughter of creatures from the pit of hell as waves of monsters suddenly cascaded into the city, ripping to shreds any resistance in their way and soaking the streets with blood and gore. His father, fearing for the life of his family, was quick to collect them all and call for evac, planning to hide away in his tower until the Dalmastice forces came to save him. It was this action that would seal the fate of him and his family. While the defenses seemed enough to hold back the normal monsters, something strange began to happen, as one by one, the defenses were destroyed and the guards hunted down, clearing floor after floor in seconds the cameras were only able to catch the glimpse of a shadow every time it struck. It was only a matter of time before it made it to the top, bursting down the doors  with a unholy cohort of demons behind it, hungering for flesh.

But it commanded them to halt with a single hand, this being that was much different from the others, not in looks but in how it moved and acted. It had intelligence, that was plain to see as James looked it straight in it's eyes, which were filled with malice, hatred, and sadistic glee. The monster was inhumanly tall and slender, most of it's frame hidden behind shadows that clung to it like fat, bloated leeches, their tails waving lazily in the air. Walking forward, the creature seemed intent on his father, who was begging and pleading for the monster to spare his life, only to get a sinister grin in return. Th creature made a motion to James' sister, and the monster's converged, her screams of terror and pain soon fading to pitiful sobs, and then, to nothing. The tall one would continue to do this, killing each member of the family in  similarly cruel manner, all the while with that same sinister grin plastered across it's face.

Just when it was about to get to him, however, a barrage of bullets shot through the windows, causing it to hiss before it made it's way back into the darkened hallway behind it, the monsters not quick or smart enough to following getting mowed down as SOLDIERs came in from a helicopter outside. Their evac had arrived, but instead of 9 people, only two remained. Of those two, one would end his life, jumping out of the helicopter to the ground below, unable to take the images assaulting his mind. James was thus left alone to relive the horror he had seen, and would be unable to unseen for the rest of his days. But instead of breaking him, it only added fuel to an already blazing fire in the young man's heart. He wanted to find the monster who had done this to his family, who had escaped the SOLDIERs pursuit, and he wanted to pay him back for every horror he put him through. He demanded to be let into the SOLDIER, rage and a thirst for revenge clouding his mind and striking down any source of reason that wasn't in line towards his goals. 

He was eventually given the green to enter the program, and after the mandatory training, he was submitted to hell. His body felt like it was being taken apart and put back together again, the paying being so intense he was certain that he'd lose himself, but through it all, he only kept one thing in mind, his one focus through all of it was his need, his desire, for vengeance. So intense were these emotions, made even more so by the cells of the Aeon in inserted into his system, that it nearly drove him in sane, and probably would have if those at Fort Lullin hadn't made the choice to completely wipe his memory of everything before his induction as a SOLDIER. He was made into a true blank slate, having no memories of his past life . . . but that didn't get rid of the emotion. He still hungered for vengeance, and he stilled felt an incomparable rage every time he saw one of the abominations created by Humanity's hubris. He has devoted himself to these wild, primal emotions, not caring if other saw him as more monster than man. Cause to hunt monsters, one must become a monster themselves.[/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][color=7d7d7d]His weapon is a suit of [url=http://s8.postimg.org/7ee8e62zp/Armor23.png]Cerburus Armor[/url], an experimental performance enhancing suit that draws on the power of the Aeon cells in a SOLDIER's body. While wearing this armor, not only is his strength and agility enhanced a by a good amount, but he can harness his corruption into focused shockwaves and blasts, either to increase the impact of his attacks or to fight enemies at a range. He can also get creative with it, blasting himself into the air and using the shockwaves to give himself some added in air mobility as well, making his ability a lot more versatile than normal.
[indent][color=7d7d7d]High Offensive power, both in strength and overdrive.
A skilled tracker, with enhanced senses to help him find anything in the world as long as he's able to find something to go on
A stealthy combatant when it proves advantageous to him

James can generate a form of black energy that takes the form of a living darkness, cloaking him in it's shadows and striking out at any foes that come near. James can harness this energy and push it into his foes, causing them to weaken as the corruption spreads through their bodies.[/color][/indent][/indent]

[indent][color=7d7d7d]Arondight, [url=http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk150/CMChastain72/Gaia%20Roleplay%20pictures/conceptart37.jpg]The Aeon of the Hunt[/url],
 Black and Colourless|Fear, Predatory Instinct, Savagery
Arondight is a being that was born from the darkest depths of fear, his form ever shifting according to the greatest fears of those that approach him. But the shadows around him do more than just hide his shape, they seem to be alive and move independently from their hosts, mostly to strike at those that approach carelessly. All it takes it one touch, and you'll become a corpse, the energy of you life feeding into the once great being. The Aeon seems, to all who witness him, to be nothing but a corpse, but depths of the night, many who said they worked on the creature said they'd woken up to find it's form lingering over head. While these were discredited as just nightmares at first, soon, scientist seemed to be disappearing one by one, until the place ended up deserted, those who still remained leaving before they to became one of the taken.[/color][/indent][/indent] 
[indent][color=7d7d7d]James' overdrive depends on the situation, and he can choose which ever affect at will. Either he focuses on the black energy in his body and greatly increase the degradation effect of his corruption for a limited amount of time, or he can focus  on the colorless side of his ability and replicate another elemental power form either a monster or his teammates, temporarily changing his secondary color and also changing the effect of his corruption on a foe(or himself) depending on what is absorbed.[/color][/indent][/indent]
