Amos twitched slightly. He listened to this angered Armarion, so close he was to going over the edge. It was quite the sight to behold. [color=darkred]"Iratze has finally embraced who she was meant to be all along. Free from restrictions of her former self, she is"[/color] Amos stroked Cerbanis as he said this, the blade seemed to pulse in his hand. [color=darkred]"Your idle threats mean nothing to me Armarion. Your domain may be War, but you always held knowledge over battle. Something I always thought was useless."[/color] Amos paused, looking back at Iratze with a glint in his eye. He turned towards Armarion and said, [color=darkred]"I will not corrupt you Armarion. That was never for me to choose, only look into your soul and realize that you could be so much more."[/color] His voice entered Armarion's mind, as a subtle intoxication that only he could hear, [color=darkred][i]"Even now you can feel it, just give in. Look at Iratze, doesn't she look..better?"[/i][/color] If Amos could smile, he would be doing so.