[b]Starting Date and Time:[/b] 4th day of Ceruleo, 300 DM, Midday [b]Starting Location:[/b] Somewhere along the road between Ruby Banks and Azure Strand [b]CS URLs:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2868027]Trix[/url] & [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3151945]Ember[/url] It was the second day of traveling for the blonde herbalist and her pups. She tried to visit another of the villages at least once per season, and this time, she was en route to Azure Strand. She'd probably reach it by tomorrow, going a slower pace so as to not wear out Remus and Remilia. It was cold out, her cloak tight around her shoulders. There was no snow yet down this way, though she'd heard Silent Rise, Stone Crest, and the capital had all gotten a nice blanket. She didn't overly care for the cold, but she did like snow, it made everything so crisp and clean. The pups weren't phased, they were made for the mountains after all. They'd guarded her bunk quite dutifully in the Fat Barrel Inn. It was run by a retired Knight, as all the inns along the Warden's Road were. They'd set them up specifically for travelers, spacing them out so each was roughly a day's walk from the previous inn, or the nearest village. She found herself wishing there was another group or caravan traveling this way. She knew that this deep into the empire, she was pretty safe from bandits and Screamers, but it was still dangerous, in her mind at least, to travel alone. But not many people made their way to Azure Strand, it was the poorest of the villages, provided the least use to the Knights. They were just lucky that they were close to the capital to receive the benefits and protection. Trix was hoping she could find some suppliers of herbs found around the coast, or even beneath the waters. The road led up a small cresting hill, when Trix noticed some birds flying in circles ahead. She couldn't quite tell what type they were, but she assumed something had died up that way. Probably just an injured horse that was put down. As she reached the top of the hill, she was able to see the carnage before her, her stomach already rolling. Her pups began growling defensively, backing up closer to her, on full alert. At the bottom of the hill, stretched over many yards, were horses, knights, and others dead or dying. The air was heavy with the scent of blood, that metallic taste worming its way into her mouth. Her stomach was rolling, and she felt the panic setting in. It was just like the Knight's Tournament last season. Her chest was tight now, her breathing fast. She closed her eyes, trying to focus on her breathing, in through her nose, out through mouth, over and over again. When she felt somewhat calmed down, she opened her eyes again, surveying the area once more. She was a healer, she needed to see if there were any survivors, anyone she could possibly save. Moving quickly, she arrived at the first person, a man in Ebonsteel armor, an unranked knight from the look of it. His eyes were closed, a massive gash in his neck, his face pale from the lack of blood. She touched his cheek, her pups fanning out around her, standing guard, watching all sides. The cheek was still warm, still had give. He was definitely dead, but she was fairly certain it hadn't been long. Looking up from his corpse, she realized this was going to take a while. Hopefully some other knights would be along, either when this squadron didn't arrive at their destination, or the next patrol happened to arrive. Then Remilia began barking at something. Trix looked at the pup, seeing her facing the direction of Azure Strand, another small hill blocking the vision of the road further on.