[hider=Stormsong] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-DbQFa8NrlCM/T57nA-M1DNI/AAAAAAAALTE/fIID_nUo9jg/s1600/3.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Sallanna {Storm roar} [b]Age:[/b] 256/400 (65/100) [b]Race:[/b] Wookiee [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Force Order:[/b] Makutai [b]Weapon:[/b] Unarmed combat: Before he was a makutai, he was a galactic-class [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shockboxing]shockboxing[/url] champion. He mastered [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Wrruushi]wruushi[/url] and [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Stava_(skill)]Stava[/url] on the last 300 years. His Wan-shen is a massive executioners axe, made to take full advantage of his massive strength. It has been [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force-imbued_blade]forged[/url] as much with his powerful body as it was with the force as he used his somatic style of force technique to heat and fold the metals. By forging it with the force to align the molecules of the blade, it is a far superior quality masterork weapon than its appearance suggests. His [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/24/e6/10/24e610d9283adfd2ddc523fc459bc4d0.jpg]Bowcaster[/url] is a much smaller, wrist-blaster device that collapses into a protective buckler upon his forearm. On most occasions, it is easily overlooked as bit of armor or badge of rank from the clone wars. [b]Armor:[/b] Now that they are hiding, he wears only the outermost layer of his green [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/a/a0/Brianna_matukai_adept_robe.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090317174254]Adept robe[/url] whose fabric contains half metallic threads into a defensive mesh with full mobility and is even suspected of being made heavier to weigh and slow him down when worn to improve his physical might when removed. [b]Force Powers:[/b] The disciples of Makutai are capable of any skill jedi are capable of. The difference is that makutai blend the movements of the body into the use of the force as a single entity, requiring more full somatic rituals to use the powers others can achieve with a wave of the hand. This limitation and requirement to use the whole body to achieve youngling and padawan feats is the same reason that it is belived anyone can become a makutai as it draws out the latent force sensitivity of a sentient person that jedi would overlook. From the common jedi core, these are his most common abilities to use. [u]Force weapon[/u] A technique used by many force traditions that do not use powered weapons like lightsabers and vibro-blades. By channeling energy into the weapon, it allowed the wielder to strike and do more damage than the weapon's simple appearance would suggest. As a useful side effect, a Force-imbued weapon could be used to block lightsabers without damaging the weapon. [u]Enhanced Attribute:[/u] A Control-based Force power that allowed a Force-user to increase a physical attribute for a limited time, allowing them to jump higher, dodge quicker, see better, run faster, and the like. It could only enhance one attribute at a time. [u]Heal:[/u] A power that uses the Force to accelerate the natural healing process rapidly. [u]Force Speed[/u] Also known as burst of speed or Force sprint, was a core Force power that allowed the user to maintain sprinting speeds for a brief time. Greater aptitude granted greater boosts to speed and/or greater duration. The increased speed of the Force-user enabled the individual to see the world and the entities around them in slow motion, allowing them to dodge attacks easily and attack more quickly with greater accuracy. [i][u][b]MAKUTAI SPECIFIC[/b][/u][/i] [u]One-handed fighting:[/u] By using the whole body to generate momentum and points of leverage or resistance, Makutai may use their large Wan-shen with the practical ease of a medium weapon, freeing up a hand for other purposes. [u]Resistance to disease/poison: [/u] The makutai learns to purge illnesses and poisons from his body before they can harm him. They gain a phenomenal resistance to resist such effects when first introduced into their system but can not push away an already established sickness they have already succumbed to before. [u]Weapon Kata:[/u] Once per day, when the makutai makes a full attack against a single opponent with their wan-shen, they gain an additional unarmed attack against the same target above and beyond their usual number at full force. Many use thins extra attack to disarm with greater chance of success or trip their opponent without fear of reprisal due to the unexpected nature of the open hand attack in the flurry of weapon blows (this stacks with enhanced number of attacks from uses of the force to increase combat speed). [u]Body adjustment:[/u] When you are in an environment of extreme heat or cold, you may adjust your body temperature to resist the negative effects of the weather. You may also increase your body temperature to extreme levels. Doing so makes your skin deal damage to any creature or object that contacts you (this stacks with unarmed combat damage). [u]Soft to solid[/u] Makutai adepts spend much time learning the way their bodies move and function, mastering the ability to make normally soft parts of their body become incredibly rigid and tough. The makutai adept may give his flesh incredible rigidity for up to thirty seconds letting him reduce damage as securely as a blast vest and stacks with any protection provided by manufactured armor. [b]Personality:[/b] As a Makutai, he is to keep balance within himself. Mind and body, withing and without, light and dark. Makutai are not seekers of combat, they are a true martial artists honing their body as the focus of the force rather than the jedi's separation of the two. He acknowledges the bestial nature of wookiee's racial rage as an aspect to embrace and explore but mindful to temper his temper as well. The beast may never be allowed to win, to that extent he underwent [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onychectomy]Onychectomy[/url]. Over the last hundred years, he has come to grips with his own personal ethos to keep himself where he feels he needs to be: Courage ~ I face my fear & defend my family and Kindred from all dangers Discipline~ I do what is necessary & right of my own accord without bribe or threat Fidelity ~ I am true to my family, friends & kindred to those I pledge my service Honor ~ I stand by my oaths and honor my ancestors by keeping my name pure among my Kindred Hospitality ~ I share hearth, food, & drink with my friends, my Kindred & the weary travelers at my door Industriousness ~ I take joy in labour & holding nothing back in the work i have pledged to do Perseverance ~ I press on against all odds until my goal is met & the task is finished Self Reliance ~ I learn skills & grow strong so that i may earn my way in the world & be no burden to others Truth ~ I seek the truth even though it may be a hard truth. I speak true words or stand in silence. I defend the truth from those who do not honor it [b]Background:[/b] He has a longer history than most, if only for his natural life span. *Most recently has been his adventure as a mentor-type role teaching another. His fate crossed again with a young human Jedi padawan on the run from order 66 while on tattooie where he was settled in a kryat dragons cavern. While he is no jedi, the purge has been so widespread to all force users it has been galactic press-gang of 'join or die'. He has offered to help her learn a new way. *Before that was the clone war itself, the makutai could not avoid the war, only their place in it. They chose to lend their force to the republic in a bid to gain the same recognition as the jedi. They could reasonably be found on any spacefaring planet so their presence was known but not nearly as concentrated. He was often mistaken for a jedi as he fought, an understandable mistake, he saw more worlds by number in those few years than he had in the centuries leading up to it. All the times he came to another world, there was a jedi knight and their padawan. Many nights were spent sharing comforts and combat, discussing the philosophy of the factions as islands of peace in the sea of war. *In the decades lead up to the latest great conflict, he himself was an apprentice to another adept. He spent ten years on ten planets ten times. He survived on Hoth wrestling wampas to truly undersand the depts of cold and what it takes to survive the arctic. On mustafar he sat beside the flows of lava trying to exert his will to cool the molten rock to solid. He swam with the gungans in the swamps of naboo to learn how to hold his breath for half an hour, using the force to either slow his respiration or push his body to its furthest limits. The deserts of tattooine sandblasted the fur from his flesh while the arena pits of Geonosis had him fighting every creature their world and others had to hurl at him. *He was once was a martial artist, touring the circuits with his combination of Wruushi and Stava. Famous for his ability to land single powerful blow strong enough to dent steel. He was facing off against a makutai master who beat him to a bloody mess; it was a horrifying defeat that made him rethink all he knew and start over again as an apprentice to a new master. [b]Destiny: [/b] [i]"Yours is to support another, the tree the vine climbs."[/i] [/hider]