Richard had a sad smile for Jada as she left as soon as he sat down. Sad because got up when he got close, a smile cause he got a peek down her polka-dot top as she used him to pull herself up. Any sadness suddenly vanished when he had a lapfull of lush lady, he could feel every curve of her suddenly weighing in against him as she spoke. [color=630460]"Richard! Richard! Richard! Guess what I'm dressed as?!?! Grr... Give me all your treasure... Grr..."[/color] He hooked his fingers into hers like a little handshake as he spoke up. "Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirates life for tink!" And like that she went from hay to crying just like that, talking about best friends. "Well you know what they say: 'Friends don't let friends fuck fair folk.' But, perhaps you could *not* be my friend for, like, half an hour?" Before she could respond, he tried to tickle her stomach so she would forget about the comment consciously to the 'physical threat' and let it slip to the back of her mind. Sometimes it paid to read the psychology books. He looked at all the stuff on the floor now and part of his meticulous nature wanted him to pick it all back up, then again there was a girl on his lap, the OCD could wait for the chance of a PDA.