[hider=Commando Avoc] [center][img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-SXWc_adpQ74/UaObx1pPJ-I/AAAAAAAAAM4/jBhXbZK3Wq8/w800-h800/SWTGC_Shadow_Operation.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] ISC-1050 "Commando Avoc" [b]Age:[/b] ??? [b]Race:[/b] Human (clone) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Outside Appearance:[/b] Like all clones, he looks heavily like Jango Fett, with a light beard on the chin and a slice scar on his forehead going horizontally. [b]Occupation:[/b] Galactic Empire; 501st Shadow Division [b]Weapons:[/b] Avoc carries an EE-3 carbine rifle as his primary defense weapon, the same weapon that's used by Boba Fett. As his secondary weapon, he carries two DC-17 Hand Blasters at the ready, usually used if in a tight pinch. He also carries 3 types of detonators with 3 in each set, those being; Thermal, Sonic, and Flash-Bang Detonators. [b]Armor:[/b] Like all Shadow Troopers, Avoc's all-black armor is a stark contrast to the typical white armor common to other stormtroopers that the armor otherwise strongly resembles. This unique black armor provided some stealth benefits, which resulted from the stygian-triprismatic polymer material used in the production of the armor. It also carries cloaking devices that rendered it invisible, or at the very least enter a state close to such, for a short period of time by warping the light around the user. [b]Personality:[/b] Avoc's personality can be compared to IC-1138 "Boss" of Delta Squad. He was incredibly gifted, and impressed his training sergeant with his prowess and slyful strategy. He was a natural born leader and lead his own clone commando squad, "Beta Squad", into battle with fierce determination and caring for his troops. After loosing all of his troops during Order 66, he became cold-hearted and taciturn, and often when he did speak, it's usually to issue an order to his new shadow troop division. He has a deep hatred for the jedi and will often kill them in the brutalist way possible. [b]Background:[/b] Avoc was born as RC-1050 in the year 31 BBY, in the cloning facilities of Tipoca City, on Kamino. A clone of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett, RC-1050 was created to serve in the Grand Army of the Republic as a clone commando and placed under the direct training of the Mandalorian [i]Cuy'val Dar[/i] training sergeant, Zuyel Katar. After accomplishing many feats in training, like scoring the highest of his clone brothers in weapon and tactics training, he was assigned to "Beta Squad", where he would serve as it's sergeant. Avoc and the rest of his squad went on many missions during the Clone Wars, such as the Battle Of Geonosis, Sabotage Over Bothawui (onboard an enemy Lucrehulk), The Siege of Saleucami, The Battle of Kashyyyk, and others. Yet it would be in the final days of the Clone Wars where he would find something that he'd greatly treasure, even saving his life. When his squad entered the palace on Sundari, he found what appeared to be a handle of a sword, only to find out it can ignite a flat black blade. What he found was the darksaber, a weapon that was stolen from the jedi by Tor Vizala, passed on by Pre Vizala, and then wielded by the late Darth Maul when battling Darth Sidious. He decides to secretly keep it for himself, as a "souvenir". But it was during Order 66 when things got really out of hand. During a stealth operation during the Battle of Endor, an EMP blast managed to disrupt the commandoes' comnlinks for a short bit as they tried to get things together. However, this happened just mere seconds before Order 66 was issued, so they had no idea that the order had been issued. So when they found their Jedi General, who's name remains to be unknown, who thought that the squad was a threat, it attacked them, killing all three of Avoc's squad mates as they didn't expect this at all. Enraged, the surviving commando struggled to fight back against the jedi, but with no avail. It would seem that his end was near. However, while pinned down, he sees the hilt of the darksaber from within his reach. Wasting no time, Avoc grabs it and pierces the jedi's chest, stabbing its heart, killing him and saving the commando's life. He had no idea what happened to the jedi, only thinking that it must've turned to the dark side. But when told about Order 66 and how the jedi became "evil" the commando believed in it and his hatred for the jedi began to blind his mind and grow substantially. However, his bravery and being the sole survivor of this surprise jedi attack, had been made known by the Emperor and Vader. As Avoc travels to Coruscant to meet them, he was given permission to test an experimental special commando division, known as the Shadow Division of the 501st Legion. With a title such as that and an elite division in his control, he couldn't say no to this opportunity. However, the Inquistor overseer took his Darksaber, saying that he is not worthy of this weapon yet and if given time, he may consider bringing it down to Avoc, in which the commando agrees too. He and his division usually travel in various squads, ranging from 4 - 40 per group, hunting down the jedi and other force-sensitive beings on various planets,. Avoc is not to be messed with in the slightest. [b]Destiny:[/b] To hunt down all the jedi and bring order to the galaxy. [hider=Avoc's Division Storm Commandoes] [img]http://cs6.pikabu.ru/images/big_size_comm/2014-05_1/1399212523283.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Themes] [b]Theme 1:[/b] Vode An! Gra'tua Cuun Ka'rta Tor. (Brothers All! Our Vengeance for One Heart Of Justice.) [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wirkuuCjLCY[/youtube] [b]Theme 2:[/b] Commandoes On The Move [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkaHmbA-M1Q[/youtube] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Zeref Von Mulkervauch] [center][img]http://img02.deviantart.net/38aa/i/2015/062/3/7/loki__sith_lord_by_andrewkwan-d70jcb5.jpg[/img] [hider=Masked] [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/f232/i/2015/062/d/a/loki__sith_lord_v_2_by_andrewkwan-d70jcq1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Zeref Von Mulkervauch [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Force Order:[/b] Imperial Inquisitor [b]Weapon:[/b] Zeref wields a red double-bladed saber, which can disconnect for dual wielding. [b]Armor:[/b] Zeref wears a light sith battle suit, painted green, black, and grey, along with a helmet with red glowing visors and large horns sticking out of it. [b]Force Powers:[/b] Along with the most basic of force moves, Zeref can also do the following advanced force maneuvers: force choke, force lightning, force horror, and force illusion (such as making "copies" of himself to distract the opponent) as well as various other mind tricks. [b]Personality:[/b] Cold, ruthless, and highly analytical, Zeref can be compared to The Grand Inquisitor. Like the male Pau'an, he uses fear and trickery to combat the jedi, eventually getting them off balanced and vulnerable to attack. He is also quite merciless and can kill anyone that the assignment requires, even unarmed children. He does however give high respects his his mentors and rewards those who please him, but does not punish them greatly like Darth Vader does. In battle, he likes to harass his enemy, often insulting them, letting them use their hate and anger to blind them before heading in for the kill or turning them into the dark side. It's been said that some of his tricks can lead the opponent into mere insanity that will last for years to come... if it could survive. [b]Background:[/b] ??? (TBA) [b]Destiny:[/b] "The jedi are a menace to the galaxy... hunt them down and ravage them from the inside." [b]Note:[/b] While able to use force fear and horror (which depends how concentrated he is), in complete concentration (preferably in a dark room with little to no light and not to be seen) he is able to bring force insanity amongst his unawareful opponents. The results can be quite devastating as it will tap in to the opponent's inner fears and thoughts, allowing them to slowly deteriorate mentally and drive them mad. This however will only work on the weaker minded, and perhaps some more experienced jedi knights and masters, for it is often his first go-to move. [b]Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxlze5Z-uF4[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Otique] [center][img]http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/ak1127-masked/imgs/d/9/d99c1222-s.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Otique [b]Age:[/b] 501 Years [b]Race:[/b] Yoda's Species [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Force Order:[/b] Jedi Master (Not high council) [b]Weapon:[/b] Otique wields a shota lightsaber, custom made to fit his stature, with a white core and a light green glow. [b]Armor:[/b] N/A [b]Force Powers:[/b] Along with all the basic force powers, Otique's powers are similar to that of Yoda's, once being a part-time apprentice to him. And like Yoda, Otique became attuned to Form IV of lightsaber combat. As for advanced forced powers, he was also very skilled at force push like his master, but also was skilled in force repulse and a more-pure version of Force Maelstrom, which doesn't contain force lightning. However, he is capable of tutaminis, perhaps not a perfectly as Yoda, but to a similar degree. Otique can also use force speed, smell, listening, and sense to pick up and forsee things just seconds before they happen. [b]Personality:[/b] Otique's personality before becoming a jedi was slightly slothish and stubborn, often laying in trees sleeping or simply relaxing. However, by the time he became a jedi, his personality is around 75% to Yoda's, with several differences. He was not as strict as him and does believe in second chances in redeeming as a jedi. He was considered to be relatable to most, yet his popularity was far from his master's. From practicing with Yoda for long periods of time, Otique slowly caught slightly on his unusual Basic speech pattern (EX: "Powerful in the force, he is."), though is completely capable of speaking proper Basic as well, which how he was originally raised by. [b]Background:[/b] Otique's past is mostly unknown, but has been said to lived most of his days on the planet Kashyyyk. He was just an average character, but with a slightly lazy and stubborn attitude. His parents had died early when he was 21, which was young for his species to loose their parents, so he was forced to live with the wookies, who took good care of him. He almost felt like he was in luxury, hence how he got his attitude. However, in year 332 BBY, Otique would get to meet none other then grand master Yoda, who visited Kashyyyk to negotiate with the wookiees. While there, he met Otique and the two had a conversation. The Grand Master sensed that he was force-sensitive and offered him a special placement to be a jedi under he. Otique at first didn't want to do so, due to his slothful personality and was quite stubborn in protecting his statement. Eventually, as Yoda was about to leave the hut defeated, Otique quickly took back what he said and changed his mind. He was then taken to Coruscant and was trained by Yoda in his beginning stages. After he became a padawan, Yoda left him to be trained by another jedi master, he being Master Yu'lung Von. However, Otique was stubborn and demanded only to be trained by Yoda only. [i]"To become a master jedi, adapt you must."[/i] Yoda would say, [i]"Be around, I will, but not long. To respond to change, a jedi must learn. For the strongest, or most intelligent, will not succeed, they will. Only those who adapt, will they succeed."[/i] Moved by these words, he then slowly forced himself to adapt to these new changes. While he usually trained with his new master, he'd occasionally have several sessions when Yoda was around. By 310 BBY, Otique finally became a jedi knight and slowly till around 250 BBY, he progressed into a Jedi Master. By the Clone Wars, Otique was assigned to help lead the clones in the Outer Rim regions. He was a well respected leader, already a better man then he used to have been, and was leading several victories across the O.R. However, it was on the Battle of Kashyyyk where he and his master would realize the horrors of... Order 66. Both had successfully fled the system, but with Otique not knowing if his old master survived. He would then have the quick vision of a pod blasting into space, and in it was what he thought he saw to be Yoda. He did survive after all. Yet he had no idea on where the Grand Master was going. However, he needed to flee as well, a different direction that is, while silently wishing Yoda his farewell... and his good luck. He then heard of the Sanctuary and head there for safety along with the other jedi. However, he still needs to find where his old master is located... with an unknown someone mentioning the Dagobah system... [b]Destiny:[/b] "Master Yoda is out there, he is. Find out where he is, I must." [/hider]