[hider=Cyrus Tavik][center][hider=Appearance][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/c7/Jensaarai_TofG.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090425154758[/img][/hider] Name: Cyrus Tavik Age: 23 Race: Human Gender: Male Force Order: Jensaarai Weapon: He has a dual phase lightsaber, being able to make adjustments to his blade length at a flip of a switch. The lightsaber's normal blade length would be 1.3 meters, and it's modified blade length would be 3 meters. It can be used to surprise an opponent, or perhaps it would be used to change his combat stance at a moment's notice. Armor: The Jensaarai, as part of their journey from apprentice to defender, their version of knight, instead of constructing a lightsaber, which is done very early as a Jensaarai, they constructed special light armor. Cyrus modeled his armor after a reek, admiring the reek's tenacity at defending it's territory. The armor is made up of cortosis ore fiber, granting it resistance against lightsabers. However, any meaningful impact will pretty much daze him, allowing an opponent time to find weakpoints in his armor. Cyrus does not take off his armor in public, feeling his appearance is irrelevant. Force Powers: Cyrus, along with basic force powers such as pull and push, can use ballistakinesis, or the use of the force to propel several small objects to lethal velocities. However, the individual objects aren't very accurate, so actually being able to score a lethal hit with this ability is another story. Generally Cyrus will attempt to use this at close range, where accuracy might not matter. Cyrus is also able to mask his presense with the force, like the sith assassins. Personality: Cyrus is naturally curious, never missing a chance to learn more about the force and users themselves. He is extremely calm, and wishes no harm to anyone else, unless they mean to harm him or hinder his pursuit of the truth. Cyrus is not afraid to kill if needed be. While he may lift a hand to help others, it is not always altruistic, and generally means he wishes to ask them something. Cyrus dislikes jedi, but is still willing to discuss with them about the force and their philosophy, though he doesn't tolerate much else. Background: Cyrus was born into the Jensaarai, on the planet Susevfi. While he remembers little of his parents, Cyrus does know they were Defenders in the Jensaarai. Thus, he was trained as one. There wasn't much to note in his early years, as his training went as smoothly as any other Jensaarai Apprentice. After his trials, Cyrus was soon promoted to defender. However, With the rise of the empire, the Jensaarai thought they would be free to reveal themselves, a mistake that led to the empire hunting them down. Susevfi came under empire control, and in the chaos he found himself separated from his fellow Jensaarai. Unable to find his people as they had gone into hiding, Cyrus decided to go offworld, assuming the empire might have already made him the last of his order. Luckily Cyrus stumbled across sanctuary in his brief travels, where he resides now. [/center][/hider]