[hider=Amira Kasra][center] [color=E9A745][h1]Amira Kasra[/h1][/color] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/d4bd/i/2013/157/c/4/bastila_shan___jedi___star_wars_cosplay_by_magsul-d66xr33.jpg[/img] Age: 19 Race: Human Gender: Female Force Order: Jedi Weapon: Sort of seen above, Amira favors a double bladed lightsaber. Knowing how dangerous it is to be a jedi Amira still tends to favor her weapon, and her outfit, too proud to go into hiding. Armor: None Force Powers: Force Speed: also known as burst of speed or Force sprint, was a core Force power that allowed the user to maintain sprinting speeds for a brief time. Greater aptitude granted greater boosts to speed and/or greater duration. The increased speed of the Force-user enabled the individual to see the world and the entities around them in slow motion, allowing them to dodge attacks easily and attack more quickly with greater accuracy. Battle Meditation: a Force ability that considerably boosted the morale, stamina, and overall battle prowess of an individual's allies while simultaneously reducing the opposition's combat-effectiveness by eroding their will to fight. With the Force, one could coordinate entire fleets of ships, allowing them to perform at maximum efficiency, acting as a single entity with the ability to counter every enemy move quickly and effectively. Though ideal for meditating large-scale conflicts, battle meditation was also effective when employed for the benefit of one's comrades in small skirmishes, attacks, and duels. Personality: Amira tends to favor action over words ever since the war. Believing that the jedi were not perfect, and rejecting their pacifistic ways. However this is one of the few things she disagreed with. Over all she doesn't hate peace, but understands that sitting back and doing nothing also doesn't help a situation. However this does not mean she'll always charge head on into a situation without thinking. No. Her time in the republics special operations division during the clone wars taught her a great many things. She learned how to lead soldiers, how to destroy a stronger force, how to strike and be gone before anyone even knew she was there. In a more social aspect though Amira is very good with children, but tends to be weary of anyone who hasn't earned her trust. Anyone else could easily be a spy for the Empire. Unfortunately however most people would have a hard time earning her trust, as if they don't already have it, then the chance of them getting the opportunity to prove themselves is far too slim. Perhaps after more time this could change, but since not even a year had passed there was too much heat on the jedi, and even the force users that didn't associate with the jedi at all. Background: Born on the streets of Coruscant Amira lived with her mother an father who both worked as security for the city. That being the case Amira was on her own a lot it felt like and so she would always spend time reading or dancing for fun. Eventually when it was discovered she was force sensitive she was quickly sent off to the jedi for training. After passing her initial trials and she began learning even more about the force she spent several hours just meditating on her own. Eventually it was discovered that she was capable of using the battle meditation technique, in fact she was gifted at it once she started working on her skills. Master Ziven Solari took Amira under his wing, a young jedi knight who was looking for his first apprentice. He took Amira to several worlds to experience new cultures and new ways of life. They went to Manaan, Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Naboo, and several more over the course of her training. On her fifteenth birthday while Amira and Master Ziven were on Naboo celebrating when the Clone Wars finally broke out. That day was the last relaxing day Amira might ever have. Once the war broke out Amira and her master were put in charge of a special operations team. This team was led by Ziven Solari, but Amira's battle meditation was the key to their missions. For three years Amira and her master fought beside the clones behind enemy lines mostly. The only reason she survived order 66 was because most of her team was dead from the mission they were on. Her master had used their private comm channel to worn her. After that she heard blaster fire and Master Ziven groan before the comm ended. After that the last two clones she was leading returned to her position. Upon one look at her they knew that she knew what had happened. The tears on her face gave it away, and her lightsaber ready. She had killed her last two men before fleeing. She spent time on several planets over the next several months just surviving hoping to find some sign that the jedi might still be alive and in hiding but so far there had been no sign. It was just her, her lightsaber, and a jedi star fighter she had hidden away as she currently spent her days on Tatooine on the outskirts mostly, at least up until she ran into an old friend. Sallanna, a wookie that her master had introduced her to and she had met several times before the war. Her master had been friends with the wookie for years before he had taken Amira as his apprentice. This was the first good thing to happen to Amira since order 66 was issued. Destiny: "Your light will be reflected upon a thousand others...And a thousand more." [/center][/hider]