"[b]Sometimes I feel like there is no point to this all, everything just feels [I]meaningless[/I].[/b]" "[b]But brother...that's the best part[/b]" With a gasp of breath, Maxim pulled the covers off himself and rolled out of bed. He was covered in a cold sweat and his heart was beating out of his chest. He sat back down on the side of his bed, hand on chest, feeling the rhythm of his heart as he calmed his breath. The same dream had haunted him the night before, the day he had been defrosted and reintroduced to the world. Everything about it seemed surreal, this hotel room with all its' accessories and the peaceful society that lay just past his window for miles. His nerves calmed, Maxim clambered to his feet and peeked out at the colony through his window. A crowd of folk hurriedly bustled about on their ways to their jobs as vehicles made their way through traffic. It was almost shocking to see the recovering humanity he had gone to sleep to had flourished into something he could never had imagined. "[i]They will never know.[/i]" he thought to himself as he began to start his morning routine. A quick breakfast later, Maxim was boarding the shuttle back to the in the clothing he had been given after he had been defrosted, it was a nicely fitting uniform with insignias he barely recognized. In a few minutes he was walking through the halls of the ship towards the room the navigation droid had directed him towards. He stopped a moment to appreciate the view from a small port window. The fleet of ships were spread out almost endlessly throughout the vacuum of space accompanied with the beetle-like colony ships that crawled alongside them. It was almost pretty. Upon entering Briefing Room 2 he noticed that two of the squad he had been assigned to were already there. With a salute he introduced himself, "[b]Lieutenant Volkov reporting in[/b]" His Russian accent was evident but not enough that it obstructed his english. As he dropped the salute, he observed the people present through the corner of his eye. The man with the eye-patch would be his squad leader from the information he had been given. His face was familiar, he looked like one of those faces he saw on Martian propaganda, but that had been such a long time ago that even Maxim barely remembered the details. The other was much younger and gave off an air of confidence, he must not have been one of the sleepers, one of the next generation it seemed. Taking his seat he awaited the briefing.