[hider=Berisha]Appearance: [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/d5a9/i/2015/337/4/4/swtor_screenshot_by_silentnight4k-d9iv00s.jpg[/img] Name: Berisha Age: 21 Race: Cathar Gender: Female Force Order: Order of the Grey (Grey Jedi) Weapon: Lightsaber, Gold cored blade with a violet outer shell, handle is made of hand carved horn from a giant horned hopper; [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/a/a7/DC15s2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070508230058]DC-15s Side Arm Pistol[/url] Armor: light robes usually. However she's also been known to wear a suit of Phase-1 Clone Trooper armor refitted for her form and also a small round shield forged of Zilo Beast scale. Force Powers: Various forms of force healing, Force protect, Telekinetic Throw, Force Quake Personality: Kind yet soft spoken and willing to do what must be done. She understands that sometimes sacrifices must be made but also does her best to reduce the severity of such sacrifices. Background: Berisha was born on Ruusan in the halls of the Order of the Grey enclave. Growing up around largely humans and other non-Cathar she doesn't have the usual verbal inflections or accent as other Cathar but will sometimes still fall into the usual speech pattern of Cathar that grow up with other Cathar. Her training began when she was four and she soon discovered a proficiency for healing powers and supportish force abilities. Never the less she has become skilled with a lightsaber and even her natural claws and teeth. She's best with both variations of Form V but also makes use of Form III and IV. When she was sixteen her mother took her to Cathar for a ritual Blood Hunt on which she earned the horns she would later craft into the hilt of her saber. That same year she lost both of her parents to the Clone Wars and though she mourned their loss she didn't let it dampen her spirits and keep her from continuing her training once she was done mourning. It took her almost three years to carve the horn into her hilt but now she is very careful and posessive of her saber, hating to leave it out of her sight. When Ruusan was Evacuated she left with Jason and the other's not combat ready. She helped out the refugee's as best she could and eventually came to Sanctuary with the other remaining Order members to finish her training. Destiny: To aid her friends and colleagues in their quests.[/hider] [hider=Daemon] [hider=Appearance:][hider=Mk3 Katarn commando armor look aside from paint color][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nHjpm-CWAg8/TRlFV9JBuBI/AAAAAAAAAPM/5X410XaRzkQ/s1600/ModRCArmor.png[/img][/hider][hider=color for Katarn commando armor plus shoulder pauldron thing][img]http://i36.tinypic.com/vrzfxx.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] Name: IC-9666 aka 'Daemon' Age: ~10-20 chronilogically but ~30 or so physically? Race: Jango Fett Clone Gender: Male Occupation: Ex Republic Clone Commando now Imperial Commando. Weapon: [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/DC-17m_Interchangeable_Weapon_System]DC-17m ICWS[/url], DC-15s side arm pistol, hidden-vibro-dagger in knuckle plate, various grenades; typically frags, sonic, concussion or flashbangs depending on the mission now that he isn't dealing with droids. Armor: [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mark_III_Katarn-class_commando_armor]Katarn-class Commando Armor MK3[/url] Force Powers: N/a Personality: Bit of a hardass when on duty but also very quiet and careful, sneaky despite the colors of his armor. Off duty he doesn't mind having a bit of fun but also doesn't harass civies like many of his other brothers now do whether on duty or off. Background: Born and raised on the watery world of Kamino, Beast grew up like any other Clone in the Republics Secret army. Except he wasn't just any other Clone, he was a Clone Commando and he was quite proud of it. He learned to shoot and everything else he'd need for his life as an elite commando and soldier. His true forging and trial by fire came on the First Battle of Geonosis where he and his pod seized a refinery and held it against countless droids until reinforcements arrived to lock the sector down. During the rest of the clone wars he was usually aboard a small cruiser going from mission to mission and fighting across the galaxy far from the Core Worlds. When Order 66 was issued he and his pod weren't around a Jedi so they didn't actually kill any Jedi. Destiny: Something.[/hider]