[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e4/d0/e0/e4d0e0a1910c2008c22c6fdf5d3b56d0.jpg[/img] [i]"I would rather die of passion than of boredom."[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpp55Iyq4L0].theme.[/url] ------------------ [center][h2][color=#FF9900]Bea[/color][color=#FF9100]tri[/color][color=#FF8800]ce[/color] [color=#FF8000]De[/color][color=#FF7700]la[/color][color=#FF6F00]co[/color][color=#FF6600]ur[/color][/h2][/center] [color=orange]Twenty-six.[/color][color=#FF9900]||[/color] [color=orange]December 24th[/color] [color=#FF9900]||[/color] [color=orange]168 cm[/color] [color=#FF9900]||[/color] [color=orange]First Class.[/color] ------------- [/center] [indent] [color=#FF6600][b]A[/b]ppearance.[/color][indent][color=7d7d7d]Not one to be seen without a smile, Beatrice posesses a lovely heart-shaped face with a button nose and a set of beautiful almond shaped eyes. Her ash grey eyes, which are by far her most striking feature are clear and sparkling seemingly as though they have a life of its own roving around to suit her innate curiosity. Her thin lips, which perfectly accentuates her small mouth a healthy shade of pink. They rest easily on her face, supple and intuitive, ready to spread into a smile at a moment's notice. Her ivory complexion is fair, with subtle golden undertones. Her hair is a lovely shade of honey blonde extending down to her shoulders. She usually wears it tied up in a ponytail or worn loose as she feels like it. She stands at 168cm and weighing around 125lbs, her body is lithe and athletic yet still managing to possess a small amount of curves. Apart from the simple black eyeliner and the occasional lip gloss, she does not have a habit of putting on much make-up. Apparel wise, Beatrice prefers function and ease especially those that aid her in her daily life and routine. She can usually be seen dressed in tank tops and cargo pants, completing the outfit with a pair of combat boots. The colours she favours belongs to the darker spectrum, mostly an assortment of white, greys, greens and browns. These are the casual clothing she sticks to when not in uniform or her combat armour. She does not have any tattoos or any other imprinting on her body. [/color][/indent] [color=#FF6600][b]P[/b]ersonality.[/color][indent][color=7d7d7d]With an equally radiant personality to match her exuberant appearance, Beatrice is an energetic and adventurous individual that is also competitive and passionate for what she loves and believes in. Bold and daring, she is not afraid of trying out new things as well as engaging in high-octane activities with an equally high adrenaline level. Naturally curious and inquisitive, Beatrice is always looking forward to exploring and discovering new things worthy of note. She also always seeks to strive for her best, improving what she already knows. Witty and sharp-tongued, she can quite the cynic at times. Warm and friendly, Beatrice is very much a people person and generally gets along well with people due to her pleasant disposition. Talkative and equipped with a great sense of humour, she is also rather playful and a fond lover of jokes, tending to laugh at most of them, especially the ones cracked by her friends. Headstrong and determined, once she sets her mind on something, she will do her best to achieve or complete it. She sticks to the unwritten rules that she sets for herself and abides by them at all times. Prone to be highly emotional, her feelings tend to overpower her at times, which may impair and cloud her judgement. Her bluntness and cynicism can sometimes work against her benefit, but once you have gained her hardearned trust and confidence, she is highly loyal and is definitely someone you want watching your back. [/color][/indent] [color=#FF6600][b]B[/b]ackground.[/color][indent][color=7d7d7d]Beatrice was born to Jean-Paul and Marie Delacour in Dalmasca, the capital city and shining jewel of Galbadia. They were both engineers working in the civil and private sector. Growing up under their guidance and tutelage, the young Beatrice began to follow in their footsteps, learning the arts of technology and engineering, putting her knowledge and information to good use. Equipped with plenty of practical knowledge and theoretical information, she studied countless tomes aside from conducting scientific and engineering experiments of her own. Her hard work would not go unrewarded and soon she gained a government scholarship to study in one of the prestigious academies in the Capital. She chose to major in Combat & Mechanical Engineering, while at the same time opting for a side in Technological Applications. Apart from her academics, Beatrice also made it a point to keep her fitness in good condition by going on regular running exercises. Graduating with flying colours, she decided to embark on a different route from her parents, selecting the military path instead. The fact that she had done remarkably well in her studies had not gone unnoticed by the government and the people in charge of SOLDIER. Going through the normal routine and service in the military, she was eventually ear-marked for entry into the SOLDIER program when those in-charge felt that she was ready. Her parents had always been against her joining the program for they, like everyone else has only heard the circulating rumours of the infamous reputation of those from SOLDIER. With her mind set on joining regardless of her parent's approval, she gave it one last attempt trying to persuade her parents. The attempt was equally unsuccessful, and so she prepared herself for the program. Running away from home in the dead of night while her parents were fast asleep one night, leaving only a farewell note to them, she left for what may seem like for good. In the program, Beatrice continued to excel, providing her experience and expertise wherever needed in and out of the field. [/color][/indent][/indent] [indent] [color=#FF6600][b]W[/b]eapon.[/color][indent][color=7d7d7d][b].Repentance[/b] [url=https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2879/9051452465_958aef2877_c.jpg]+[/url][indent]A close combat specialist, Beatrice is extremely proficient in the use of a quarterstaff. It is a close combat weapon which extends her effective range considerably and therefore increases the momentum of her blow when the weapon is swung. Range and force of impact make it an effective weapon against armoured enemies and taller enemies. The shaft of her staff is made out of a oak, a hard-wood capable of taking a great deal of punishment. The ends of the staff have been reinforced with beefy Titanium alloy knobs both ends, somewhat resembling the head of a mace with protruding sharp flanges. It can be used to deflect hostile attacks, while the thickened ends allows for a lightweight and extremely durable metal to mete out bone-crushing and skull-cracking blows. Although the Repentance cannot penetrate any armour (because it has no blade), the immense power generated while thrusting the long shaft in its momentum can deliver severe injuries and is capable of overwhelming any opponent with its blunt damage and speed. The knobs at the ends are even sharpened with razor-sharp edges which can inflict a series of piercing or stabbing injuries. Staff fighting techniques involve slashing, swinging and stabbing, as well as including a wide variety of blocks, strikes, sweeps, and entrapments. The weapon's techniques require as much great skill as swinging an axe or a sword, and the staff may even be used to sweep sand into an attacker’s eyes. As a master of her weapon, Beatrice handles the Repentance almost as an extension of her limbs. It also has some leather straps attached to provide additional aid and comfort while swinging it in combat. [/indent][/color][/indent] [color=#FF6600][b]S[/b]killset.[/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d].Quarterstaff combat .Combat Engineering .Hand-to-Hand combat [/color][/indent] [color=#FF6600][b]A[/b]bility.[/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d][b].Terrakinesis[/b] She is able to shape and manipulate earth and "Earthen" elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc.[/color][/indent] [color=#FF6600][b]A[/b]eon.[/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d][b].Gorgorath -The Eternal Guardian[/b][/color] [url=http://conceptartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Nuare_Studio_13.jpg]+[/url] [indent][color=forestgreen][b]G[/b]reen[/color] [color=#040404]&[/color] [color=0674cb][b]B[/b]lue[/color][color=040404][b] ┊ [/b][/color][color=7d7d7d][i]Life. Strength. Manipulation.[/i] [indent]Formed out of humongous blocks and boulders of earth, stone and other foreign materials, the aeon that is Gorgorath poses an impressive sight, its monstrous form blotting out the sun of whoever it faces. Green pulsing veins of energy can be seen throughout its rocky body, appearing as though cracks in the rock bodies itself. Despite its lumbering gigantic form, it is a creature full of life and strength who is not above inducing manipulation to get its victim to does what it wants or desires. When he moves, it is as though the earth below quakes, but the cracks and damages soon heal back up when it comes into further contact with the golem's rocky feet. Its strength is enormous as one can imagine with hands the size of the boulders making it just as effective a destruction machine as it is regenerative. Protective of those it knows and is close with, it can be a loyal companion for those it trusts. [/indent][/color][/indent][/indent] [color=#FF6600][b]L[/b]imit/overdrive.[/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d] [b].Earth's Fury[/b] [indent]Beatrice limit break is one mostly only used in true desperation. She will be able to cause minor avalanches, earthquakes, and mudslides in the surrounding area of her choice, thereby hoping to eliminate hostile lifeforms in the affected areas.[/indent] [/color][/indent] [/indent] [color=#FF6600][b]T[/b]rivia.[/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d][list] [*]She is huge fan of food, especially most kinds of meat and baked products, like bread and other pastries. [*]She wasn't always interested at engineering and mechanical stuff. Seeing her father at work and what his work could do got her inspired and interested in the world of engineering. [*]She is also a big fan of martial arts, especially Karate. [*]She hasn't much of a love life, ever. [/list][/color][/indent]