[quote=@CallMeChaotix] I'd make a CS sheet and put it here right now for variation. But... 1. I don't feel like making a CS right now 2. It would look horrible compared to everyone else's. 3. I'm insecure about that. [/quote] You won't know until you try, but I understand the feeling of not wanting to do a sheet right now. I've been in that state of mind plenty of times before. Take it on when you're good and ready. But, [@Mr Allen J] brought up a good point: this is the casual section. Unlike Advanced, where people are a lot more stricter with the rules of quantity, here in Casual, peeps just require some detail and depth. You don't have to go 4+ paragraphs for everything(like what you see in the CHARS tab). I don't know, just something to think about, I guess.