Huh, I hope this is still open. [hider=Gerard West] [hr][hr][center][color=#81F7F3][img],/corner-dark.regular.png[/img][/color] [img][/img] [i]“If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I do, I'll make it quick.”[/i] -[b][i]Himself[/i] [/b][/center][center][color=b9b6b6][hr] [img][/img][/color][/center] [hr] [color=#81F7F3]|Name|[/color] [indent]Gerard Jones West[/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Nickname|[/color] [indent]People either call him by his first or last name, sometimes 'Gest' which slightly irks him.[/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Birth Date|[/color] [indent]January 3rd 1998[/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Age|[/color] [indent]17[/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Gender|[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Sexuality|[/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [hr] [center][color=b9b6b6][img][/img][/color][/center] [hr] [color=#81F7F3]|In Depth Appearance|[/color] [indent]One of the most notable feature of Gerard is his eyes, a stark sky blue that seems to pierce right through you. He stands at a little bit above average height with dark brown hair that can be seen in light. A lazy and bored look always seems present with his face as he nothing really ever happens in Verona, much to his dismay. One of the most constant things about his clothing is his dark shaded beanie, he always seems to bring it whenever possible. Otherwise he just usually wears a jacket with a white inside topped with dark blue jeans.[/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Scars, Tattoos, Piercings|[/color] [indent]Just wears some normal clip-like earings on both sides of his ears.[/indent] [hr] [center][color=b9b6b6][img][/img][/color][/center] [hr] [color=#81F7F3]|Likes & Dislikes|[/color] [indent][color=008800]✔ Sating his Curiousty ✔ Sleeping ✔ Smart people ✔ People who can take a joke ✔ Interesting things/Individuals ✔ Reading with music ✔ Cocoa ✔ Below cold-temperatures[/color] [color=FF0000]✘ Boring, everyday things ✘ Loud, attention seeking people ✘ Too much noise ✘ Showoffs ✘ Being nagged on for something he has to do, he'll get to it ✘ People who wear masks ✘ Closemindedness ✘ Hot areas/rooms[/color][/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Hobbies|[/color] [indent]Astronomy - Star watching Tree Climbing, taking in the surrounding environment Martial Arts - Interesting, for him [/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Habits|[/color] [indent]Fixing his clothing whenever he thinks deeply Yawning unintentionally when something bores him Scratching the back of his neck whenever nervous[/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Fears|[/color] [indent][color=000000]☠Being bored for the rest of his life ☠Heights ☠Drowning[/color][/indent] [hr] [center][color=b9b6b6][img][/img][/color][/center][hr] [color=#81F7F3]|Personality|[/color] [center][u]♦ Curious ♦ Shiftless ♦ Sharp-tongued ♦ Astute ♦[/u][/center] [indent]His shiftless and lazy attitude comes from the boring, everday life in Verona. But whenever something piques his interests and curiousity, little cans top him from sating said curiousity and will rush headlong into whatever- be it dangerous or not. Despite this, whenever he does get close to someone- he tends to and tease them to gauge a reaction- it's his way to show affection. Known, or atleast competing, for the laziest title in Town, he has no qualms with the authorities unlike his peers, unless they go against what he wants to know to sate his curiousity. His tongue is also sharp, saying what he thinks at the moment and rarely holding back unless the situation calls for it. Usually out of curiousity or again, gauging their reactions. While being lazy, he doesn't get behind his studies and tends to get to it. He also loves to stargaze, as it instills a sense of serenity and peace whenever he does it- getting fairly annoyed whenever someone disturbs this stillness. He is also fairly fit, being in martial arts for a few years- switching between a few every so often but mainly just Aikido. There's enough muggers and the like in Verona that he has to do it, and he has no qualms with it either. [/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|History|[/color] [indent]Born to rather normal parents, James and Samantha West, in Verona. His upbringing was rather odd, his parents let him do whatever he wished as they were both out most of the time to earn a living as they weren't the wealthiest in town. This caused him to develop a self-dependent attitude, cooking, cleaning and the like all by himself, nurturing a bored outlook on life. Most of the time he would be out and about, looking for things that would relieve him of his boredom. He didn't fully hate Verona, neither did he like it, the town was boring for his taste but a few interesting things did happen here and there that sated it enough once in a while. For example the whole murder debacle, Gerard was luckily not one of the victims, neither his parents. His life in Verona was uneventful unlike his peers who usually got into trouble, incarcerated or something else. He wasn't really into destroying his innards with booze or drugs, and he never really sought out trouble, only seeking out things that piqued his interests, which probably made him one of the most 'normal' if you could say that. Well, that is, until time froze around him while he was cascading through the woods, all the animals, falling leaves and even the light just... [i]haltedb=.[/i][/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Family|[/color] [indent]Almost everyone in town knew each other, this was the case for the West family, they are known as the rather mundane and down-to-earth kind of people. Which bored Gerard even further. The house was white and blue and stood on dirt, a fine garden grew by Gerard's mothers, which he sometimes tends to. James West; Father; Age 42; A fine accountant that demands him to be out the whole day to earn his wages for the family, usually a jokester when interacting with his family and likes to prank them. Not as strict as his wife, he lets Gerard go out and do whateevr as long as he's safe. Gerard is rather close to James moreso than his mother. Samantha West; Mother; Age 35; A strict, uncompromising teacher. Her students had caused her to grow this attitude, and Gerard sometimes wonders how she and his fun loving father ever got along. Tries to be sweet and caring to Gerard but sometimes cannot show it. Gerard is close to his mother, but not as close as he is to his father.[/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Theme Song|[/color] [indent][url=]Kill the lights – Set It Off[/url] [sub]”And the truth, we all pursue.”[/sub][/indent] [hr] [center][color=b9b6b6][img][/img][/color][/center] [hr] [color=#81F7F3]|Power Name|[/color] [indent]Chronokinesis, Time manipulation[/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Power Descrption|[/color] [indent]Gerard has to manipulate time, though to a lesser degree as he's just beginning to grasp his powe.[/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Abilities|[/color] [indent]His powers are activated by a finger snap. Reverb; If he focuses/concentrates on, let's say, a broken jug, and thinks of when it [i]wasn't[/i] broken, the jug would be then 'fixed' or altered back to it's original condition before it was broken. Time stop; For a short amount of time, around ten or so seconds, time will halt. Whoever Gerard touches in this timespan will also be able to move while everything is frozen in place. [/indent] [color=#81F7F3]|Drawbacks/Weaknesses|[/color] [indent]Continued usage of his powers damages his health greatly, reuse of Reverb grants him migraines so he set a limit on how much he should do per day. Time stop also, as powerful as it is, if used for more than ten seconds he will begin to start feeling heavy pressure in his head and in a matter of seconds have a blackout. After usage of time stop in less than ten seconds, he experiences fatigue and a splitting headache for a few hours and an occasional nosebleed. There's a limited range in which, where Gerard is the center of his powers, spanning about half a yard. For reverb to work, he has to be next to the item.[/indent] [/hider]