[hider=Lieutenant Garret Levi and the Ranger] [b]Character Sheet[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Garret “Archer” Levi [b]Rank:[/b] Lieutenant [b]Age:[/b] 38 [b]Equipment:[/b] [url=http://www.cosplayhouse.com/images/P/ACT11702.jpg]Combat/Pilot Suit[/url] [url=http://s01.riotpixels.net/data/33/7f/337f5a66-6e4f-43fb-ac81-d998fb3abdf5.jpg/artwork.mass-effect-3.1000x500.2015-06-13.499.jpg]Tactical Machine Pistol[/url] [b]History:[/b] Growing up on one of several massive space colonies, Garret’s life seemed easy-going and of unremarkable quality. He had friends, had passions, and tended to drink more alcohol than he really should. After one booze-filled evening, he had found himself signed on with a one way ticket to a UHA boot camp, slowly remembering of a bet he had lost against one of his friends who joined in with him. It wasn’t till half way through training before they began to speak to each other once more. It was at that point the Ciprian conflict broke out, pulling a sizable UHA force into the fray. While everyone who participated in the conflict saw their plentiful share of action and carnage, it was the infantryman of Garret’s company that got the unpleasant front row seat. Tragically during one fateful engagement, Garret’s childhood friend met a grisly end after pushing Garret out of the way an incoming of mortar round. The loss apparently changed Garret’s outlook on life and drove him forward with vengeful determination. Through months of long fighting, Garret had jumped through the ranks, usually ending up in different outfits, each one appearing even more mechanized with power armor and Mechs to boot. After the conflict had been resolved, Garret had been hand-picked to live test the latest Mech from Allied Jupiter Engineering in the upcoming exploration mission he had also been selected to participate in. At first he was against piloting the machine but months of on-foot fighting and loss had took its toll on him and eventually agreed to test drive the Mech at his request for personal modifications. A year later, he agreed to be cryogenically frozen per mission parameters. [url=http://assets.vg247.com/current//2013/01/bmUploads_2013-01-28_994_SMV-KILLZONE-MERCENARY-DANNER-MARKETING-SHOT-FINAL-copy.jpg][b]Appearance[/b][/url] [b]Mech Sheet[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Ranger [b]Designation:[/b] AJE/M-88 [b]Tonnage:[/b] 46t Medium [b]Height:[/b] 12 meters [b]Mech Speed:[/b] Fast - 90kp/h [b]Upgrades:[/b] -Applied armor panels and skirt to protect fragile joints -Mounted magazine racks -Improved Jump Jets -Improved HUD and visual sensors [b]Traits:[/b] Untested, Reliable, Stealthy, Posable [b]Exploration Loadout:[/b] -Head: N/A -Backpack Center: 4x Jump Jets -Backpack Left: 1x SRM4 -Backpack Right: 1x SRM4 -Left Arm: N/A -Right Arm: N/A -Left Leg: 2x Jump Jets -Right Leg: 2x Jump Jets -Handheld: Rotary AC/2, Heat Knife (2 Meters in length) [b]Combat Loadout:[/b] -Head: N/A -Backpack Center: 4x Jump Jets -Backpack Left: 1x SRM4, 1x Light Gauss Rifle -Backpack Right: 1x SRM4, 1x Light Gauss Rifle -Left Arm: 1x Small Pulse Laser -Right Arm: 1x Small Pulse Laser -Left Leg: 2x Jump Jets -Right Leg: 2x Jump Jets -Handheld: Rotary AC/2, Heat Knife (2 Meters in length) [b]Lore:[/b] The Ranger is a newer model combat Mech adapted to utilize newer technologies and tactics. Designed by Allied Jupiter Engineering as a competing Next Generation multi-role platform, the Ranger excels through the participation of reconnaissance missions, counter-insurgency and special operations, and urban warfare. Developmental focus on the Ranger is heavily geared towards an integrated neural interface and response system, promoting quick reliable and notably organic movements manifested through a more artificial muscle and biomechanical based chassis. Additionally, an experimental camouflage artifice applied to the Mech's hull armor shifts colors and patterns based on the surrounding environment to further reduce the Ranger's profile at the expense of stagnant armor tonnage. While proving very successful through initial trials and simulations, the AJE/M-88 however has yet to see its baptism of fire in an actual live combat situation. Unfortunately due to a late technical oversight with the previously established neural input system which would have presented side-effects against its pilot, the Ranger was held back from official deployment just weeks before the Ciprian rebellion erupted. Now free of any systematic curses, the Ranger has now been fully entered into mass production. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f0/41/d8/f041d8612320e64fd96b362e70c6cf2c.jpg][b]Mech Appearance[/b][/url][/hider]