Name: Alexandria Wolf Appearance: [img][/img] Race: Human Age: 22 Skills: Lonewolf covert spy Bio: Alexandria grew up the adopted daughter of a wealthy family beneath the Empire, having hated her adoptive, abusive parents she fled to join the rebel alliance, posing as an Imperial Spy she actually worked for the Rebel Alliance, gaining whatever Intel she could find, though her job was hard and she spent a lot of time deep inside enemy lines she was normally a pretty kind person, she is immensely loyal to the Republic and often is seen as very serious (it stems from dealing with Imperial scum all day) she is a lone wolf and tends to like to work alone avoiding massive crowds and direct conversation with people. Gear: Ship: [hider=X-Wing][img][/img][/hider] Droid: r2-r6 colored black, silver and orange Other: Nick Name; Wolf