Name: Caleb Harsolde Appearance: Fair skin, short black hair, blue grey eyes, white greasy shirt, slightly worn black pants, black combat jacket. Race: Human Age: 26 Skills: Mechanic, Engineer. Bio: Growing up on Tatooine, Caleb doesn’t know where he came from or who his parents were, but instead grew up in a small town to a pod racer builder. Soon getting into the trade himself, Caleb became renowned as a great mechanic and engineer, therefore why people tried to stop him from leaving, both peacefully and forcibly. Neither worked. Eventually finding a career in smuggling small arms and goods across system, he modified a hatch in the back of his craft that was hidden and practically impossible to find on a scanner without looking. As fate would have it though, he was caught, a ‘contractor’ was actually undercover, and arrested him for smuggling. Fortunately he only spent a few years in prison, not being caught for anything more than some restricted goods. Even that, though, was enough to make him resent the Empire even more. So, of course, when he heard the transmission, he went straight to the Capitol of Saccoria, and booked his shuttle. After all, he didn’t always have his hatch, nor always get past the scanners. Gear: DH-17 Blaster Pistol, Glasses with HUD. Ship: Customized V-Wing Droid: Replaced with hyperdrive Other: He collects… pieces of scrap he likes. No, not the heads of his enemies.