[@AlicePleasanceLiddell] A beautiful lady stood on a platform above the area where the young students were hanging around. She saw about 30 girls and roughly 20 boys. Spottting a young girl by a pools singing a lovely song and was touched. Silently she materialized behind her and knelt down beside her staring into the waters reflection. "Beautiful isnt it?" She asked "I just love the way its so calm and yet it has the power to shape the lands into how they look today..." she said as she just stared listening to the song. The magnificent griffin glowed as golden as the bed it was lying on. It nodded back slowly recognising the boy as a creature of good will. Spreading its wings to their fullest length which was quite long indeed it stood up and cawed/roaref in greeting. Almost as if it were saying 'We shall be seeing each other again i presume" after this a boy no older than Adam himself walked up behind him wearing ripped jeans and a ripped hoody. Sounding scottish he told him " Yeh arent meanta be here yet i dont think. Better scat before the prof finds ya" as he said this any closer study wouldve revealed faint striped markings on his skin and orange eyes with slightly sharpet teeth thsn usual as he guided Adam the way out of the stables.