[hider=Arla the Twi'Lek Dancer] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/14290818/original.jpg[/img] [h3][b][u]Arla[/u][/b][/h3] Name: Arla Age: 22 Race: Twi'lek Gender: Female Occupation: Slave Weapon: None Armor: None Force Powers: None Personality: Arla, having been a slave for many years, is a cynical woman. She doesn't trust anyone. She is quite willing to betray anyone and anything in order to acquire her freedom or credits. Background: As Ryloth is tidally locked to its star and only a thin band of the planet's surface is capable of supporting life. One half is perpetually too cold, the other a burning wasteland. As a result most Twi'lek are forced to live underground. Having evolved from simple underground dwelling mammals they have hairless bodies and keen senses. Their lekku and ear cones, at one point, compensated for their blindness, both of which have become less sensitive as their eyesight developed. Arla was born there, her clan poor and starving in the deep caves. Only the rarest and most powerful clans able to live on the thin band of surface that isn't a hot blasted or frozen wasteland. On rare occasions she would go out and watch the "under worlders" raid the surface clans for food and valuables while the "upper dwellers" would raid the under ground portions of the planets for slaves with which to trade to the "off worlders". So it has been for thousands of years and so it is likely to continue. Arla was taken in one such raid, just one of thousands that were used as bartering material with off worlders who have absolutely no interest in helping the Twi'lekki people get off world and establish themselves on a less gods forsaken planet. They love the pathetic needs of the Twi'lekki peoples for they are incredibly easy to take advantage of, fighting amongst themselves for the crumbs the greater galaxy chooses to fling their way. The tribe that kidnapped her sold her for a blaster, which would be of great use killing her own people and was packed aboard a slaver starship and whisked away from her home. Later, she would be sold for thousands of credits against the two hundred credits the cheap blaster would cost. Later, they would make even more credits off of the power packs which were cheaper still. Quite the lucrative deal. Arla, like most subterranean twi'leks is an accomplished fighter with the primitive stone weapons and slings. Wood, of course, being so incredibly rare that it could not be wasted in the crafting of weapons. The women of a tribe were expected to protect it while men were away hunting for food or raiding other tribes for their supplies. She is, as one might imagine from living underground, also quite adept at skulking about in the dark. Aboard the starship that had taken them she, along with several of the slaves, had to deal with an unknown creature in the ship's hold that was hunting down the slaves one by one. She served as bait but managed to lure it into an airlock and decompress it. It was the scariest thing she had ever done. After that she arrived at the slave auction and was promptly tattooed. Apparently normal humans were discomfited by the Twi'leki lack of eyebrows. They also informed her that, had they time, they'd have performed a genetic augmentation upon her that they did to many Twi'Leki, replacing her cones with... human ears! The very idea disgusted her. Those strange wrinkly misshapen things on the side of human heads were so ugly! Sold into a combination cantina and brothel Arla spent the next few years serving its patrons, developing a reputation as a dancer that drew people to her establishment from across the planet. Unfortunately, the formation of a "Great Galactic Empire" took her owner by surprise and he was caught under some obscure new application of the law that allowed the local miff to take advantage. Confiscating her along with everything else the man had of value she was transported up to a Star Destroyer where the Captain planned on taking her to another slave market on the other side of the galaxy and turn a tidy profit. Unfortunately for her, the Imperial Captain has taken a liking to her and she has been serving as his personal pet ever since. Destiny: Arla has no force sensitivity, nor any appreciable destiny. [/hider]