[-Revamped Character Sheet-] [hider=Human Male] [b][color=aba000]Name[/color][/b]: [h2][color=aba000][i][b]Kelen Rolin[/b][/i][/color][/h2] [b][color=aba000]Appearance[/color][/b]: Approx. 6 ft tall, relatively thin, with blackish brown hair and dark blue eyes. He wears a standard upper tunic, but somewhat tight lower pants. His belt has clips for blasters and blades, with space for extra clips, other devices, and even explosives. He is caucasian. [b][color=aba000]Race[/color][/b]: Human Male [b][color=aba000]Age[/color][/b]: 45 Standard Years [b][color=aba000]Skills[/color][/b]: Strong with the force, skilled mechanic, tactician, marksman, and swordsman. [b][color=aba000]Bio[/color][/b]: A survivor of Order 66 and the Jedi Purge, Kelen Rolin, a Jedi Knight, escaped alongside his most loyal and trusted troopers. Although most of them have since passed due to war and old age, he and his Padawan Learner have lived on to continue the legacy of the Jedi. The only survivor of the troopers that defected with Rolin is CC-7501 Commander Bronze. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the threesome joined the Rebel Alliance, although they were not present at the Battle of Endor. During the Clone Wars, Rolin was the Jedi General of the 286th Assault Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic. They fought on many fronts across the galaxy, facing off against the likes of General Grevious and Count Dooku. When Order 66 fell, most stayed with the new Galactic Empire, but a select few deserted alongside Rolin and his Padawan Learner Teela Kamara. Over time most were sadly hunted down by Darth Vader and the Imperial Army. Eventually, only Rolin, Kamara, and Bronze remained. They soon went into hiding, keeping on the move across the galaxy to avoid detection. When news spread that the Rebel Alliance had destroyed the Death Star, Rolin decided they should join the Rebellion, and they did. All that they could bring, however, was a small Consular Class Republic Cruiser, Rolin's Jedi Starfighter, Kamara's Jedi Starfighter, and any Weapons and Supplies they had with them. During his time in the Rebel Alliance, Rolin was dedicated to tracking down the surviving Jedi that escaped Order 66. He managed to find many, and used the now deserted Yavin Temple as their new home. After the Battle of Endor, Rolin and Luke decided to begin a new Jedi Order for both Surviving Jedi, and the new generations to come. In this, Rolin was promoted to the rank of Master, and Kamara was finally initiated into the rank of Knight. After hearing of the plight of Corellia, Rolin and Kamara jumped at the chance to aid the planet, and offered their services immediately. [b][color=aba000]Gear[/color][/b]: Rolin doesn't wear a normal pilot uniform as many of the Pilots of the Rebellion do. Instead he prefers his normal clothes to be comfortable when flying. He has a custom visor he designed during the Clone Wars, which plugs directly into the Ship's internal systems, showing the ship's status. He also keeps on him his twin combining lightsabers, and his DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon. [b][color=aba000]Ship[/color][/b]: Preferring the ETA-2 Jedi Interceptor, he can fly just about anything he can get behind the controls of. [b][color=aba000]Droid[/color][/b]: R5-L21 [b][color=aba000]Other[/color][/b]: - Although he is a Tactician, he Isn't willing to run from a fight, and will only turn tail when the odds are completely stacked against them. - Rolin's master, Amon Ricktor, was Killed during Order 66. - Rolin comes from an unnamed Outer Rim World, found by an Unnamed Jedi before the Clone Wars. [/hider] [hider=Twilek Female] [b][color=aba000]Name[/color][/b]: [h2][color=aba000][i][b]Teela Kamara[/b][/i][/color][/h2] [b][color=aba000]Appearance[/color][/b]: Approx. 5 ft tall, brown skinned with bright green eyes. She wears a standard Tunic, with clips for a blade weapon and other attachments. [b][color=aba000]Race[/color][/b]: Twilek Female [b][color=aba000]Age[/color][/b]: 30 Standard Years [b][color=aba000]Skills[/color][/b]: Strong with the force, excellent swordsman and pilot, decent mechanic. [b][color=aba000]Bio[/color][/b]: Found on Ryloth just before the Clone Wars, Teela Kamara was brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant by an unnamed Jedi. Training under Master Yoda for the first years there, shy had a very shy personality, leaving many to doubt if she would ever be chosen for a Padawan Learner. Eventually she gained the interest of Jedi Knight Kelen Rolin, who decided to train her as his Padawan. Fighting alongside him during the Clone Wars, she was Second in Command of the 286th Assault Legion. Alongside her master she fought on many fronts across the galaxy. When Order 66 fell, she left alongside Rolin, Bronze, and his other troopers. To avoid Vader and his Imperial Army, they jumped from system to system in their Consular Class Cruiser. Soon after hearing that the Rebel Alliance had destroyed the Death Star, she joined the Rebellion alongside her master. While in the Rebel Alliance, she aided her master in locating lost Jedi that were in hiding since Order 66, bringing many to the Temple on Yavin 4. After the Battle of Endor, many Jedi emerged from hiding and began forming a new Jedi Order under Luke Skywalker. After many years, she finally was given the right to the Jedi Trials, and emerged a Jedi Knight. Hearing about the plight of the Corellia System, she and her master immediately jumped at the chance to help them. [b][color=aba000]Gear[/color][/b]: She also has a Visor like Rolin, created for her by Rolin in fact. She always has her lightsaber on her, a single hilt blue lightsaber. She doesn't wear Pilot Gear either, preferring her standard Jedi Tunic. [b][color=aba000]Ship[/color][/b]: Like Rolin, she prefers the ETA-2 Interceptor, although she has trained enough to use a variety of ships. [b][color=aba000]Droid[/color][/b]: R6-E11 [b][color=aba000]Other[/color][/b]: - Over time she overcame her Shy personality to reveal an amazing girl. - She was unable to pass the Jedi Trials as she had not been granted permission when Order 66 was issued. [/hider] [hider=Clone] [b][color=aba000]Name[/color][/b]: [h2][color=aba000][i][b]CC-7501 "Commander Bronze"[/b][/i][/color][/h2] [b][color=aba000]Race[/color][/b]: Human (Clone) Male [b][color=aba000]Appearance[/color][/b]: Although he still uses his Clone Tank Gunner Armor, He is far from what clones used to look like. Although he keeps himself clean shaven most of the time, he has lost most of his hair, and modified parts of his armor. He still has a Cybernetic Left Arm Replacement from an encounter with Droid General Grevious during the Clone Wars. [b][color=aba000]Age[/color][/b]: Approx. 25 Standard Years [b][color=aba000]Skills[/color][/b]: Expert Marksman and Tactician, Mechanic Skills, Some Pilot Training. [b][color=aba000]Bio[/color][/b]: A Clone of the late bounty hunter Jango Fett, Bronze was created as a Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic. Serving as Commander of the 286th Assault Legion under Jedi General Kelen Rolin. He's fought side by side with him for the entirety of the Clone Wars, saving each other from time to time. When Order 66 fell, Bronze refused to answer it, defecting from the Imperial Army and escaping with Rolin, Kamara, and his Squad of Hailfire Squad; CS-7546 Rocker, CT-4578 Smiles, CT-4532 Livewire, and CT-8650 Breaker. Over time, however, the Imperial Army, Led by Darth Vader, began to hunt the rouge clones and Jedi, killing off all of Hailfire Squad except for Bronze. When word reached them that the Rebel Alliance had destroyed the Death Star, he joined the Rebellion alongside Rolin and Kamara. Together they all sought out surviving Jedi to rebuild the Order that had been destroyed by his brothers. After the Battle of Endor, Bronze received word that Kamino had been deserted by the Empire, but the Kaminoan Cloners still survived there. He decided to head there, and attempt to rebuild the Clone Army himself. He bid farewell to his General, but it would not be their final meeting... Gear: Bronze wears a gold colored Tank Gunner Armor with a Kama. On that Kama are holsters for his DC-17 Silenced Pistols. He also has an assortment of weapons from Hailfire Squad, including a PLX-1 Missile Launcher, DC-15x Sniper Rifle, and a DC-15a Rifle. He personally carries a Z-6 Rotary Cannon most of the time. [b][color=aba000]Ship[/color][/b]: Limited Pilot Training left him with flying their Consular Class Cruiser. [b][color=aba000]Droid[/color][/b]: None [b][color=aba000]Other[/color][/b]: - Bronze is deeply traumatized by the loss of Hailfire Squad, more specifically, CS-7546 Rocker, who had been with him since the Battle of Geonosis, which sparked the Clone Wars. - Bronze has a nickname for his Z-6 Rotary Cannon, the "Spin Cycle". [/hider]