[hider=Wing Commander]

Name: Jonas "Painter" Roseland


Race: Human (Alderaanian)

Age: 23

Skills: Rebel Commando, duelist, tactician.

Bio: Growing up in a noble house of Alderaan one would expect a pacifist possibly a singer or artist. However being the ninth son of his family and a bastard to boot made him rather an outcast among his brothers. Having two older sister the three grew very close, both his sister's would take jobs at Incom as designers and defect along with the engineer's of X-wing. Finding this out from a mutual friend in the Organa's he signed up for the Imperial pilot's academy learning to fly and shoot. 

He graduated top of his class, then promptly vanished. He resurfaced with the rebel's flying with Green squadron before being named green leader at the battle of Yavin. Flying cover for Red and Gold squadron's, having only received the position as leader due to most experience pilot's being placed on Red and Gold squadron's for the best chance at destroying the Death Star. He served as an escort for Leia Organa up until the battle of Hoth, where he and the rest of Green squadron were made part of Rogue squadron flying speeders taking AT-AT's down.

Eventually being ordered back to his X-wing he was an escort for one of the shuttles. After Hoth he was transferred to Corellian sector to support the Seventh battle line. He served mainly as recon and low-level strike pilot, not being assigned a unit until they fleet could reorganize itself. Wolf Squadron, the main harassment and fighter group in the Corellian sector was destroyed along with their asteroid base by Darth Vader. With this gone the seventh battle line has no raiding team's.

With the Seventh Battle Line still rebuilding the duty of creating a new raiding team has fallen to Jonas Roseland. Contacting his sister's he working with Smuggler's he managed to find a derelict bar and hanger. It had once serve asteroid miner's but now sat idle expanded and upgraded Jonas managed to salvage the bar into a rebel base. Able to hold up to thirty Star fighter's and two Corvette's. It has crew quarters, kitchen's, and storage room's with spare parts.

The technician crew's are there, support staff for the pilots, and even teams of marines to defend the station and operate it's defenses. It now need's ship's and pilots for it bloom into a powerful and respected station among Rebel Alliance.

Gear: DL-44, A280 Blaster rifle, and a Cortosis-weave Vibroblade.

Ship: [hider=Incom T-65B X-wing fighter]


Droid: [hider=R6-0]

A prototype R-6 that was illegally modified to resemble a R3 unit. R6-0 actually use's the casing from Jonas's old droid who memory and main system's were poached by scavengers on Corellia. As he look's like an R3 he can slip through most checkpoint's uncontested as R3's are generally messengers or courier's for official figures due their high data storage.  

Other: A classical trained singer in his youth on Alderaan. A skilled diplomat as noted from his time as a Commando having talked down Imperials to surrendering. Trained by Echani trained duelist, even matching her in combat it is a rare honor for males to be as respected as female's in Echani culture.
