[@Lord Zee][@Eyeris] [color=440e62]"Oncessss this is complete and we have Brontesss in our grasp brother weeee want to take the death gods place because it was our rightful posssition!"[/color] Armarion hoped that Amos would understand because the position of death had once been his eternal goal to reach that position but his parents held those wishes away from him in fear that he would be too powerful as a god of death, secrets, war and dark magic. [color=440e62]"It isss our rightful position and we wantss it we will grant you certain positions and we will grant one bit of hidden knowledge to the both of you yet beware such knowledge may harm even the greatest god or goddess!"[/color] He sent flashes of images, elder gods that came to Armarion in search of dark knowledge and what became of them was maddened gods who were sent to the darkest depths of the universe and that they float there for all eternity. [color=440e62]"We only assk for the position brotherrr we shall do great thingss fot you!"[/color] He explained to Amos and Iratze.