[@Gentlemanvaultboy] The professors head snapped to face the annoying staring boy "QUIETEN DOWN BOY! NO NEED TO BE SO LOUD" as he cracked the stick on the table angrily. "If you are THAT ignorant i shall have to answer it seems. My name is Professor Smith but you will call me Professor or sir. Understood!?" [@AlicePleasanceLiddell] The lady smiled at the politeness. "Good to meet you Ruby, my name is Ike, Alice Ike" she laughed joyfully at the second statement whilst slowly and carefully shaking her hand "It doesnt matter! We here are like water. And water flows. Always remember that." She smiled. Adam soon found himself infront of a half tiger half man who was changing more manlike by the second. Gathered in front of him were a group of around 60 ranging from many different body types. Many were heavily built with an eye but it also ranged from that to smaller people and athletic people. One thing was common throughout however, they all looked determined. Once the man had fully transformed and had through some jeans over the ripped shorts he had been wearing he started talking in a voice that sounded more like a growl than human (side effect for having the form of a tiger) "Id like to welcome you all to the Beast school I am Professor Ti, one of your two main teachers here. Now im not one for lengthy introductions so y'all better be on your way to the east caves next door where everyone in the school is going soon (so youll get ahead of the crowd) and go in, find a beast that feels right. Then you need to make it your own and bond with it before you will be able to make the creature follow you out. (Note all beasts in it are 'babies') You may go whenever you want to but dont go too late or youll be behind. In the meentime (if u dont go straight there) ask me questions, explore the area or make a pack (friends).! Goodbye for now Class!"