The first bola whipped out from the trees, wrapping itself around Kladissa, and unsaddling her, slamming her hard into the ground, the breath painfully escaping her lungs. Her lizard immediately stopped, and took a defensive posture over her, hissing at the trees. The air was immediately filled with the gut-wrenching cries that could only be uttered by Screamers. Kladissa was already struggling to grab a knife from its sheath on her harnass, looking up the hill from where the ambush came from. She slid open the transparent eyelids all members of her race had, that were used as a filter. Normally the eyelids blocked her infrared vision, so she could see the normal spectrum more easily. But now, she could see the heat signatures of four Screamers in defensive positions behind trees and rocks up the hill, shining bright against the frigid landscape. She immediately knew this wasn't a planned attack, but rather just the luck of opportunity. If it were planned, there'd be many more and this would already be over. [color=f6989d][i][b]"There's only four!"[/b][/i][/color] Not that it mattered to the Aaenshi, as he and his wolf were already bounding up the steep slope with ease. Bolas were thrown, but his wolf leapt aside of his own accord, the flea riddled pair screeching in glee. The pale woman, however, was missing, though her horse remained with the group, not seeming to notice, or perhaps care, that its rider was gone. The Aaenshi engaged against two of the Screamers, both wielding shortspears, his battle lust quickly taking over. It seemed as though he would handle them just fine, and was holding back out of sheer enjoyment. The other two Screamers had already begun their descent on the party, one charging with two scimitars in hand, the other covering him with a shortbow. An arrow was shot toward Chartrose, purposefully aimed for a nonfatal shoulder hit. Clearly he was their target, as Kladissa was seemingly indisposed.