Nothing came over the hill, but Remilia kept up her barking. Trix wasn't sure whether to trust her pup's instincts, or to assume she was just spooked by something innocuous. Erring on the side of caution, Trix looked around for a weapon, anything, even though she'd never so much as held a sword. There was a large... well to her, it looked like a stick. But it was a hard wood, polished, dark, and balanced. She picked up the bo staff. It was awkward in her hand, heavy, but she could use it as a walking stick too she supposed. She rested it on her shoulder, and began moving toward the next fallen person, keeping an eye on the road ahead. The woman before her was an unranked knight, and was bleeding from a shallow stab in the gap in her arm just above her waist. Trix knelt down, setting the staff beside the woman's head. She touched her hand to the woman's neck, and her eyes widened in surprise. There was a very slight thump there. She was still alive! Trix immediately set her pack down and began digging through it, pulling out her salves, her stitching kit, and bandages. Clearly there wasn't a fire available, so boiling wine to clean the wound wasn't available, she'd have to hope the honey and elderberry in her salve would be enough to stave off infection. Remus came over sniffing at the woman's face, Remilia still staring and barking in the distance. Trix ripped away the bloody cloth around the wound, finding it a few finger widths long, and about one wide. She pulled out her waterskin of brine, pouring it on the wound, seeing if the woman stirred from the pain. There was a momentary flinch and a slight groan, but she never woke. Trix saw the blood dilute and clear, but it didn't take long to fill once more. That flow would make her salve useless until staunched. She had nothing to cauterize it with though, and she'd never done an internal cauterization though, only heard about it. But she needed the bleeding to stop, to keep it from coming out, to... She suddenly had an idea, shrinking a bit as she looked around, making sure yet again, that she truly was alone. She then took a deep breath, and stuck her fingers into the wound, one from each hand on either side of the tiny chasm. She focused on the feel of the flesh, as well as the blood, making sure to separate them in her mind. Once she was confident that she'd done so, she began pushing her magic out through her finger tips, and spreading it against the interior flesh, focusing it to only stop blood. Wiggling her fingers in small circles, she continued to spread her magic, trying to keep the layer thin, but whole. Once she felt it was done, she did her unnecessary nod, completing the magic, and the shield activated. As she poured the brine in now, she watched as it diluted and cleaned it out. She smiled as it ran clear and the blood no longer filled it. She washed her hands off with some brine, then set about to filling the wound with her salve, and quickly began stitching the wound up, making sure to go deep enough to actually close it. Once it was done, she spread a bit of salve over it and wrapped a bandage around the woman's stomach. Now that the hard part was done, she reached into her pack and pulled out a sealed jar, and uncorked it beneath the woman's nose. The smelling salts quickly kicked in and the woman woke with a start. [color=f6989d][i][b]"Easy... easy... You've been injured, I've fixed you up."[/b][/i][/color] The woman tried to sit up, finding herself staring into the stoic eyes of Remus. [color=fff200][i][b]"Where's ever..."[/b][/i][/color] then she saw the littering of bodies everywhere. She stifled back a sob, as Trix continued, [color=f6989d][i][b]"I need to move along, I haven't been able to see if there's any other survivors. You need to take it easy, but you should be able to walk. Do you remember what happened?"[/b][/i][/color] The woman was just silent, so Trix grabbed her staff, and stood, when she heard Remilia's barking reach a louder fervor. Except this time it wasn't at nothing. There was a man in grey robes limping along the road, holding one arm to his side as he hobbled. He shouted in her direction, [color=7ea7d8][i][b]"Can you help me? I'm injured. I was attacked."[/b][/i][/color] Trix began walking faster toward the man, hushing Remilia when she reached her. But the pup was still quite on edge, not trusting this man. And for good reason, for his 'injured' arm had his wrist bent behind his back, holding a sinister dirk in hand as he continued toward her on his uneven gait. The raven haired knight that Trix had fixed up, sat forward with a grunt, still looking at all her fallen brethren as the scarlet maned man continued toward Trix. In a seemingly sincere voice, he continued, though not shouting as they grew closer, [color=7ea7d8][i][b]"I can't believe they're all dead... all gone, completely wiped out."[/b][/i][/color] Then his eyes saw the other woman, his face breaking into the subtlest of grins, [color=7ea7d8][i][b]"Except one I see. That's great..."[/b][/i][/color]