[b]Name:[/b] [color=707070]Asher Kincade[/color] [b]Race:[/b] Human (Kvaren/Screamer) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Birthday:[/b] Saffra 20th 270 [b]Birthplace:[/b] Valley of the Screamers [b]Resides in:[/b] Valley of the Screamers (nomad) [b]Occupation:[/b] Swordmaster to the Thunderfang Tribe [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://bookishtemptations.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/20130422-132045.jpg [/img][hider=Pic][img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/e32e/f/2008/349/b/f/bf994cb5595cdb63b6cd56590027cfb9.jpg[/img][/hider] Asher is a healthy man in the prime of his life. He stands at 5'11" and is physically fit due to not only the necessary labour that accompanies a nomadic lifestyle, but frequent weapons training both solo and with his fellow Screamer fighters. Asher's hair is black as a raven's wing, though a faint lightening at the temples suggests he might go grey early. He shaves his facial hair but usually has a bit of growth along his jaw and sideburns before he remembers again. His eyes are ash grey. He has several battle scars, the most notable being two sword marks on his face. In general, he is somewhat comely but even without the scars he'd only be slightly better than average. He dresses plainly, the only hint of any ostentatiousness being a golden hoop in his left earlobe. [b]Personality:[/b] Asher is sullen and broody, often withdrawn and almost always quiet. He rarely smiles. His thoughts are consumed by an ever-present need to exact revenge on a certain Ebonfort knight. He can be helpful and he contributes to the continued survival of his tribe, but his conversation and demeanor is usually perfunctory and curt at best. He wasn't always this way, and some of the people who were close to him before he became a widow can bring out a ghost of his more cheerful and vivacious self, but these moments are rare. [b]History:[/b] Asher was born and lived all his life in the Valley of Screamers. His father was a Swordmaster to the leader of the Thunderfang tribe's leader at the time. As is often the case with children who are born into a world rather than choosing to enter it as an adult, Asher never really stopped to think seriously about the Ebonfort and why his people hated them so much, he just took it for granted that it had always and would always be this way. He grew up helping mend armour and move tents, care for horses and make even the blandest food taste interesting. He learned the ways of the roaming animals of the plains and vowed his hatred of Ebonfort when he was proclaimed a man. But that was before Wren. The Thunderfang tribe is one of the largest tribes of Kvaren, mainly because it tends to absorb smaller tribes who can't survive on their own or the cast-offs of others. It is the first place many strangers can come to learn the Kvaren way. While the Thunderfangs rarely organize raids themselves, they play an important part in providing support to the more blood-thirsty clans who attack Ebonfort regularly. Wren came to the Thunderfangs shortly after Asher's first raid on a village. She scrubbed the blood off his armour and he gave her a kitten he had stolen from an Ebonfort barn. Asher took Wren for his wife shortly after, and a year later she was heavy with his child. Tragedy struck in the form of an Ebonsteel blade, leaving Asher widowed and grieving, and he never really recovered. With nothing but vengeance to occupy his thoughts, he occupied his body by training to be a better fighter. His efforts were noted by the Thunderfang leader, who promoted him to be one of several Swordmasters who serve the tribe. [b]Skills:[/b] Weapon ([url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c4/23/17/c42317a5a9ad3ffdb71cc2dadadf194b.jpg]Falchion[/url]) +47 Weapon (Whip) +1 Unarmed Combat +21 Horsemanship +14 Dual Wield (Sword/Whip) +11 Leadership +15 Land Navigation +10 Intimidation +11 Socialization +3 Endurance +3 Riding +4 Observation +3 Body Building +2 Rhetoric +1 Tactics +2 Animal Husbandry +1 Teaching +2 [i]Total 90 + 20 (racial) + 41 (rewards)[/i] [b]Languages:[/b] Kvaren (Fluent) Common (25 points) [b]Special Abilities:[/b] None [hider=Knowledge] Contact: Verissa Verissa: Is a healer Verissa: Owns 2 Mountain Ridgebacks Knowledge: Brynmor is now a Sergeant Frustration: He did not kill Brynmor Medicine: Drinking makes his wounds worse -- [/hider] [b]Possessions:[/b] [u]Item | Acquired | Value[/u] Tribal Nomad's Outfit x 5 | Starting | 5 GP Cold Weather Outfit | Startin | 8 GP Traveler's Cloak | Starting | 1 GP Breastplate (steel)| Starting | 200 GP Helm, Nasal | Starting | 15 GP Warskirt (studded leather) | Starting | 25 GP Greaves | Starting | 60 GP Vambraces | Starting | 50 GP Shield, Buckler | Starting | 15 GP [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c4/23/17/c42317a5a9ad3ffdb71cc2dadadf194b.jpg]Falchion Sword (steel)[/url] | Starting | 60 GP Dagger (steel) | Starting | 2 GP Whip (leather) | Starting | 1 GP [url=http://linwoodranch.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/busterLHjul2-08.11193052_std.JPG]Warhorse, Light[/url] | Starting | 150 GP Mule, Draft | Acquired | 10 GP Bit and Bridle | Starting | 2 GP Horse Feed x10 | Starting | 0.5 GP Saddle | Starting | 10 GP Saddlebags, large | Starting | 8 GP Cook's Kit | Starting | 10 GP Backpack | Starting | 2 GP Bedroll | Starting | 1 GP Blanket, Winter | Starting | 5 SP Fishing Kit | Starting | 15 GP Flint and Steel | Starting | 1 GP Lantern, Bullseye | Starting | 12 GP Rope (100ft) | Starting | 10 GP Tent, Pavilion | Starting | 30 GP Copper Jug and Basin | Starting | 2 GP Ale, Barrel, Local | Starting | 6 GP Torch x2 | Starting | 4 CP Waterskin x2 | Starting | 2 GP Manacles (master | Starting | 50 GP Chain (10 ft.) | Starting | 30 GP Shaving Kit | Starting | 15 SP Candle x 10 | Starting | 10 CP Maned Wolf Tooth Pendant and Skin | Starting | 10 GP Slave: Verissa Greenlakes | [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89347-ebonfort-ringing-in-the-new-year/ic]Acquired[/url] | -2GP/day (see ledger) [b]Ledger:[/b] Cost | Item | Subtotal +200 GP | Starting Money | 100 GP 0 SP 0 CP +1000 GP | Extra Money for not having a house | 1100 GP 0 SP 0 CP -787 GP (rounded up) | Starting purchases | [b]413[/b] (rounded down) +838 GP, 7 SP, 5 CP | [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/83037-ebonfort/ooc?page=16#post-3237618]Ceruleo 300 DM Pay Day[/url] | 1251 GP, 7 SP, 5 CP +793 GP, 5 SP, 5 CP | [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/83037-ebonfort/ooc?page=18#post-3405352]Jedayan Pay Day[/url] | [b]2044 GP, 12 SP, 10 CP[/b] [i]7 GP/day x2 (Occupation Pay, Swordmaster, Journeyman)[/i] [i]Income: Asher is incurring the cost of having a slave. -2 GP/day to his income.[/i] [b]Other:[/b] N/A [b]Story List:[/b] [u]Date - URL - Characters involved[/u] n/a