As she saw the blade come in all its shiny, dangerous glory up to her throat, she gasped in complete horror. Although she had expected to get caught and probably scolded for being somewhere she shouldn't be, she didn't expect to have a blade to her face. [i]"[color=purple] I was just exploring! I wasn't trying to break in! I promise! [/color][/i] She didn't know what this girl was about to do to her but she couldn't help but admire her bravery. If Savannah had seen someone sneaking around a dark hallway, she would have just casually tapped them on the shoulder and asked them what they were doing. She always tried to avoid conflict whenever possible because of her very submissive, understanding personality. As she stared into this intimidating girl's eyes, she wondered if she would have class with her. How awkward would that be after this. . .