Savannah tried to relax and slow her breathing and answered the girl's question. [i][color=green] "In a way yes. I always get myself lost in new areas to start memorizing my surroundings and learn my way around. I usually find it works pretty well. How about you? You know your way around this place?" [/color][/i] She hoped whoever this girl was, she was buying Savannah's attempt at trying to diffuse the situation. Being casual is what Savannah was best at after all. However casual she would be, she still couldn't stop stressing about the blade swinging from this girl's hands. She couldn't help but look down at it every once in a while with a very stressed out look on her face. She hoped she wasn't coming off as that "innocent little girl" kind of person because she HATED it when people thought of her that way. She wondered how much time she had before her class started and if this girl would be accompanying her. She wished she had some of her powers already so she could make this girl put away that very threatening hunk of metal. [@Minimum]