[hider=My character: WIP] Name: Serdis Bereth Race: Human Age: 23 Appearance: Force Tradition: Cyphan Way Force powers: Mind Trick, speed and other physical enhancements, sleep punch (developed by his great grandfather for fighting Mandolorian pirates, it sends a pulse of Force energy into the target where ever you strike, disrupting nerve function. Strikes to the head will make them lose consciousness within a few seconds, which gives it its name.), Ionize (ionize the air, like lightning, but neutral), weak telekinesis Skills: Piloting; repairing vehicles, especially ships; computers; lightsaber fighting (form 1, 3) Personality: Backstory: He grew up in a suburban area of Cyphan, his father a security guard and his mom a restaurant owner, with several siblings. They taught him to use the Force based on the Cyphan way, as they did his siblings that were also Force sensitive. When he grew up he decided that he didn't want to learn either of his parent's jobs. He was too interested in machines. He became the apprentice to a local speeder repair shop owner and, at the age of 19, found a job off world, working for an orbital shipyard around Corellia. He worked there happily for several years until Cyphan succeeded. The people there didn't like working with a Seperatist, as they called him, and eventually new security concerns cost him his job. He managed to get a few odd jobs, but found that he couldn't earn enough to get by. He decided to go home, then, and took his ship, a beat up Z-95 that he bought off of a man that needed money to pay off a loan shark. He just arrived at the starport, and has a serious case of hyper-space lag. He decided to go by his mom's restaurant first for a meal before heading home to sleep. [/hider]