[i][color=green] "Wait, you mean the building changes? Does Professor Thoth do that?" [/color][/i] Savannah was sure this girl could tell how new and confused she was and she hated it. Coming from a place where she was always more intelligent than everyone else to a place where she knew nothing was very uncomfortable for her. Going from being the one with answers to everyone's questions to the one HAVING all the questions was not at all what she was used to. She didn't know what kind of a person this girl was but she seemed like she was intimidating and dangerously intelligent. These were the people Savannah usually hung around. Maybe they could be friends! [i][color=green] As long as she doesn't belong to the Dark Magic Schools [/color][/i] she thought with dread. She could never make friends with those people. They are on opposite sides after all. . . She decided to try and get them moving somewhere instead of standing in the middle of a dark empty hallway with a sharp metal instrument. Yes. Moving would be more conducive to what she was trying to accomplish here. [i][color=green] "Would you mind showing me around? We could take a tour of the place and maybe get something to eat? I don't even know when I have class. Iv'e seen some people in class and others just wandering. Do we get schedules?" [/color][/i] Maybe asking so many questions wasn't such a good idea but how else was she supposed to find out what the hell she was supposed to do here? Her favorite English teacher always told her "He who asks a question id a fool for five minutes. He who doesn't is a fool forever." If no other statement could be true, it would be that one. [@Minimum]