[hider=Lieutenant Jace Lorin and the Hunter] Name: Jace Lorin Rank: Lieutenant Age: 27 Equipment: [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/24/8a/85/248a850ba430083ec2e4eea9d1f157f1.jpg] Tactical Elemental Protection Pilot Suit (TEPPS)[/url] Designed to protect the wearer from the outside, and, to some extent, assailants, TEPPSes are also designed to be somewhat comfortable. [url=http://orig00.deviantart.net/15da/f/2011/004/f/8/n_o_m_a_d____handgun_concept_by_peterku-d36ffcd.jpg] NOMAD Ballistic Pistol[/url] A ballistic projectile firing sidearm, it isn’t always the best in close quarters, due to its long barrel, but that is fixed through replacing the barrel with another, shorter one. History: Jace always wanted to be a mech pilot, as did his brother. It was the latter that was supposed to join. That idea went down when he had an accident while playing with Jace. He was paralysed from the neck down. So, Jace took his place. The training course didn’t know his brother’s first name, or appearance, or anything other than his gender and surname. Everything went well for Jace, not so much his brother, who eventually grew to resent Jace. Once, confronting him with two armed men, he demanded that Jace leave the program. Jace killed his brother and the two men that night. He never spoke of him again. Eventually finding his way onto the 6th exploration command, Jace had achieved his childhood dream, at the cost of his innocence. Appearance: 6’, medium build, light blue eyes, short black hair. [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140324021814/of-men-and-titans/images/e/ee/Mecha_pilot_by_meganerid-d4i5iqz.jpg[/img] [b]Mech Sheet[/b] Name: The Hunter Designation: Stalker II Tonnage: 35t Height: Very small, 6 metres Mech Speed: Really fast Upgrades: Upgraded engine, muffled servos, muffled engine, jumpjet capable Traits: Very quiet Exploration Loadout: Head: N/A Centre Torso: N/A Left Torso: Medium Laser, Right Torso: Medium Laser, Left Arm: MG 20mm Right Arm: MG 20mm Left Leg: 2 light jumpjets Right Leg: 2 light jumpjets Combat Loadout: Head: N/A Centre Torso: N/A Left Torso: Medium Laser Right Torso: Medium Laser Left Arm: MG 20mm, AC2 50mm Right Arm: MG 20mm, AC2 50mm Left Leg: light jumpjet, medium jumpjet Right Leg: light jumpjet, medium jumpjet Lore: Originally designed for ambushes, the Hunter has been built to the specs Jace requires, and has served him well. Preferring mobility over straight up strength, Jace designed the entire thing himself, based off the Stalker II class mechs. Mech Appearance: [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/3/640x432_1653_Patrolling_the_area_2d_sci_fi_concept_art_soldiers_mech_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [/hider]