[hider=Gungan] [b]Name:[/b] Mumbin Marsune [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.swagonline.net/sites/default/files/images/JawaStu/2004/Jul/2409.jpg[/img] [b]Race:[/b] Gungan [b]Age:[/b] 52 [b]Skills:[/b] Professional Alcoholic, Former-Pro [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shockball]Shock-ball[/url] player, untrained force sensitive. [b]Bio: [/b] He was there at the first war, just a private for the army at the battle of theed, he lost two of his family to the walking skeletons before it was over. As the clone wars broke out ten years later, his family had ridden the tails of the success and family deaths to resettle on the naboo moon of Ohma-D'un where he was one of the Militagunga. Then during the defense of naboo, he lost all the rest of his family to the genocidal attack known as 'swamp gas'. He only survived by being on a patrol in the spice mines during the attack, he survived, but he never recovered. For four more years he rode out the rest of the war on what bordered on suicidal runs in his starfighter. Some joked he had to be a jedi to do what he did and survive, there are gungan jedi after all. The awards that came did nothing to ease his losses or his bloodlust. When the war ended, he got yet another slap in the face with the sudden human-only legislations by their own Naboo emperor. He mothballed his fighter and joined the shockball league, a place where aliens were paraded around in the most legal gladiatorial bloodsport the empire allowed. He spent another ten years getting his face bashed in and being the face for 'bubble-bacta-bev'. He still has nightmares about the jingle. After a decade of abuse, he received an injury even the bacta couldn't heal, his heart. Ten years of electrocutions to unconsciousness took it out on his ticker. He retired with full honors and the most KO's in one game for another five years before a wookiee took the title from him with a triple ricochet in one shot. For the next nine years he crawled into a bottle and drank himself stupid in a one-room hovel. Then, the news that wouldn't shut up to the point even he took notice in a bout of sobriety, the Deathstar was destroyed, someone was fighting back. It took some work, but he made his way back to his old starfighter and spent the next four years back in the pilot seat. It wasn't pretty, but it was working to get him back where he used to be. Then the call came out, the call to couriscant. [b]Gear:[/b] He carries two complimentary matching blasters of [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/ELG-3A_blaster_pistol]light[/url] and [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Model_Q2_hold-out_blaster_pistol]hold out[/url] models on his hips, each with a twin tucked under the back of his vest but only claims one of each. Like his starship, they are colored to Cobalt-with-Green If he knows he is in a 'poodoo passing the propeller' situation, he bring his double set of [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/S-5_heavy_blaster_pistol]heavies[/url] with all intent of being the last one breathing. One might think that with the constant duplicate arms that he is a two weapon fighter,in truth he really hates to reload in the middle of a fight. He keeps constant pressure on with suppression fire from the hold out while grabbing the next weapon in line. If he is ever forced into melee, he slips on a pair of Shock gauntlets from his time as a shockballer. Being a gungan, he still has ties to his warrior ways but blends reliable tools with modern technology by flinging grenades made the same size as the booma ball with his gungan atl-arl shaped with a large shockball scoop. He prefers stun grenades and ion explosives to drop targets without damaging property or salvageable equipment from the fallen. He still keeps an energy shield in cargo storage and makes it a matter of pride to collect an others not in gungan hands as he comes across them. More mundane things he tried to keep stock of are Medical kits, Grappling spike launchers, Security kits, and a blaster repair kit in the ship. [b]Ship:[/b] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/6/6a/N1_ep1ig.png/revision/latest?cb=20080407005003[/img] Kaadu, his N-1 Starfighter was at one time the most advanced ship available, twenty years ago. Now, he does the best to integrate the new into the old to keep up with the modern tech but can easily keep pace with TIE's. As a personal flavor, He's had an azure coat to the royal paintjob to turn Yellow-with-Silver to Green-with-Cobalt. [b]Droid:[/b] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/a/ad/R4astromech.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20081210181429[/img] R4-R2: R4 on the outside, R2 on the inside. It was a time consuming cobble to get the best of both worlds, but well worth it to have the thicker plating and reinforcements at the sacrifice of storage space that the newer model possessed with the processing power of the older model. [b]Other:[/b] (Other thing's you'd like to throw in about your character.) [/hider]