[center] [img]http://p1.pichost.me/i/28/1514166.jpg[/img] [Iratze] [/center] The images Armarion sent her swam through her consciousness. She had no idea such things had happened, it must have been very long ago... Who's secrets were these? Brontes? The Sun and Mooon? What did it all mean... She dare not let go of Armarion's hand as he held it. She swayed and swelled with emotions, so many feelings overwhelmed her like the high of a drug. In her old form, as the messenger, she felt very little when she felt things she could watch them come and go with a passive acknowledgment. Now she was tossed about by her emotions like a leaf in a storm. [color=9e0039]"Look not to Amos."[/color] Iratze was cross that Armarion was still paying more attention to his brother than herself. Amos flew into the killing fields... the city below... [color=9e0039]"You do not need to ask him, or anyone else, for anything at all. If it is hell you want, we will take it, we will overcome the curse of Brontes and find our way there I swear it. You are stronger and wiser than the old forgotten gods that you have shown us, and stronger now that you are without constraint, stronger now that you are with me..." [/color] Iratze had never wanted anything for herself, not before, she had been relatively satisfied to be the messenger before all this happened. That is why she was one of the only gods who did not go mad at one point or another after the fall. She accepted her entrapment placidly. It wasn't until now that she thought differently, after Brontes had returned, after Amare had left her, Armarion rejected her, and Amos corrupted her... Now that the way of change had opened up to her she could never go back... Her ambitions were different from Amos and Armarion. She didn't want to take over the underworld, or heaven, or earth, or any of that. She was equally selfish as they. She would give as much as then to get what she wanted. She was greedy. Her want burned in her so hot she thought she might combust. In the past she was the messenger of all gods, she belonged to everyone, their objects. What she wanted was her freedom first, which Amos had granted her. Second she wanted... Someone to belong to her for a change... [i]Armarion[/i]... She grabbed him and pulled him toward her, much like she had in the dark alley when they had shared their first kiss. It had been a secret kiss... Now they stood above the city in full view for all to see, no secrets or constraints, no sides in a war to choose between, nothing to stop them, nothing between them, their time had come.