[center][color=MediumTurquoise]~Ruby and Adam~[/color][/center] [center] Ruby smiled politely, agreeing with the lady next to her. She gently stood up and sweped her dress with her hands. [color=fdc68a][i]"Thank you, for your time and words. They are both appreciated."[/i][/color] She informed the lady, hoping she could see how frank she was. [i][color=fdc68a]"I shall find the rest of the students, now. Au revoir, meeting you was a delight." [/color][/i] Ruby added, and moved to the opposite directiong, leaving Alice Ike and the pool behind her. Adam was surely not fascinated by the professor, although he appreciated the short talk. Long introductions were tiring as hell, especially when people thought they were adressing five year olds. He was pretty excited though, about finding a beast. The griffin encounter had surely lit up his spirit, giving some spark to his long lost lust for life. After some time, of walking and thinking, and of course smoking, he reached at the caves. The entrance was tremendously big, something that left him in awe. He took another sip of his cigarette, and later on he let it fall to the ground, stepping on it before he entered. The place was indeed interesting. Weird sounds could be noticed coming from here and there. Once in a while he could spot an animal or a few of them. He wondered where did they all come from. [/center] [color=f6989d][Gonna continue the post {or write another separate one as a continue :p } tomorrow, I am also considering of changing Adam's preffered beast, if there's any problem with that [@Minimum] please inform me!][/color]