The six months was in reference to how I'd have it, In Character, that everyone in the team would not be 100% comfortable with each other (making room for characters who are new to the team). The main plot would've started right then. My current plan has changed since, though, as we are a newly formed sect within Night Kiss. This will let some people create characters who have been a part of the organization yet may not know each other, as well as bringing in new members while putting everyone on the 'new to this' playing field. It had nothing to do with when plot events would occur. Our first mission will be introduce a couple big world events and get everyone connected and invested. It'll help you all be inspired as to how your characters might be rooted in the world, in addition to whatever you think up prior. Trust me, it'll be a ride. Posting wise, I'm patient and expect patience. This is a great RP for someone who wants to go long-term, but doesn't have hours upon hours to set aside -- perhaps you work, have school, a family, obligations and all that (as I do). I expect 1-2 posts a week, though we'll move as the group can. Trust me, that may sound slow compared to some threads, but this speed has kept another project I've helped with (Apocalyptica) going for around 14 months now.