A funny fact most people are not aware of, Hyperspace still takes forever. Oh sure, you are traveling hundreds of thousands of lightyears at a time, but it still takes hours to get to your destination. As it was, the gungan let the droid do most of the auto piloting as he sat back to [s]sleep off a hangover[/s] conserve his energy with an all-temperature cloak for a blanket. Some time later he awoke to the transmission from the droid that they had arrived and began the actions needed to perform the docking procedures. It was colder than he expected when his ships' seal broke, making him shiver as he climbed down fom the cockpit and took the blanket with him to put over his shoulders like a jedi. An earflap raised as he heard commands barked out. "Alright people back to work, also next person I see drinking in my bar before it opens gets transferred to the fleet." This told him there was indeed a bar to be had, but for now he had to take from his own reserves as he pulled out a flask. Imagine The finest candied fruits of the Syren flower, poured into worshyyr tree wood barrels and aged for four hundred years. That is how you make Wookiee whiskey. Now pour that miracle elixer out and fill it with whatever prison hooch you can find. That is what he had in his tin he was sipping from while he tried to get his blearily-eyed bearings.