[@Rex] [@KatherinWinter] [@booksmusicanime] [@duskshine749] [@Eklispe] The master would turn towards the class then sigh slightly annoyed at Alex "you really are an idiot.." he says shaking his head then starts writing something on the board "..as you all know now magic flows though you but it also flows through the world around you" he states "now you can access not only the magical energies inside you but the energies outside as well, but that is fairly dangerous and requires a more... developed mage to do" he states "so at your current level you wouldn't be able to tap into other energies.." he tells them "Now something very important to remember" he tells them "As you may of seen when i had you create spheres.. Pure magic comes in many colors, these colors each have their own special qualities" he states as he finishes righting a list on the board "you will do well to remember these, for they can affect how well you can control magic" he turns to them again "For examples Red colored magic" he says pointing to it on the board "Is wild, it doesn't like to be controlled at all compared to other magic, it doesn't take kindly when it's forced to do something it doesn't like so it will have worse backlashes.... in most cases this magic is the hardest to master because of it's tendencies" he states "Magic is alive though it doesn't have a heart beat or normally phyiscal form, it exists in everything and it flows to it's own will" he says "The sky, the earth, and the sea all of these and more is filled with magical energies" he tells them "so much show it will crush your entire soul if you try to use those energies before your ready"