Name: Isis Haversaw Age: 26 Gender: Female Outfit and Rank: United States Air Force Corporal, Pilot flying [url=]F-15E Strike Eagle[/url] Appearance/Photograph: [img=] Before [img=] After Isis's scales match the color of her hair when she was a human. She has a rather long and lean body, much like she did when she was human. The spikes on her head are sharp and impressive, sturdy enough to withstand bashing an opponent but skinny enough to not look like stumps. Her eyes are fire red, except for the dark pupil. She has slightly lighter scales on her belly and under her neck and tail. Service Record: A month after high school, Isis shipped off to boot camp. After graduating, she stepped directly onto the line to becoming a pilot. She got lucky with her requests and got exactly what she asked for. The F-15E. Ever since she had watched her father land his jet and step out like he owned the world, she had wanted to fly. Her path had then been laid out by herself, the six year old girl with the weird name. All through school she never deviated from her plans. She was always focused, always working towards her goal. It made her rather naive in the ways of boys. Having no mother didn't help that either. Isis grew up in a house full of boys. Her father raised them all, her and her two brothers. Isis's mother left when she was about five, and she has never heard from her. Her brothers' mothers were either dead, or lived in California. Once securely in the Air Force, Isis fell head over heels for a guy. Long story short, he ripped out her heart and broke it into a million pieces. However, with him she learned how to have fun and how to enjoy her life. She loves partying and having a good time, joking around with the people that she works with. She is a little crazy at times, taking risks and such but she is a damn good pilot and she knows it. She likes to have fun and she is very friendly and loyal to those who have earned her trust. On a rather classified mission, one that she wouldn't be able to share with anyone outside of the people she was working with, Isis's plane was struck down. She was sent in basically to observe, only to engage if shot at first. It was dark, almost too dark to see anything in front of her. Her jet was performing at it's best. Something was flying towards them, her and her partner. It must have been black, to blend in with the night, but it couldn't have been real. No jet, or helicopter is pure black. She would have at least been able to see the lights from the pilots cockpit. She saw nothing. She heard the woosh of air over her and spun in her seat to see what it was. It was quiet for a moment as she looked back, communicating with Evans, her partner. He hadn't seen it either. She looked over to him and in horror watched as something batted him out of the sky as if he was a feather. Then it came for her. She avoided it, spinning her bird furiously. Evans was screaming in her ear. Her jet lurched, and stopped...stopped? It couldn't stop in mid-air! Then she was spinning, the alarms inside beeping and blinking furiously. She strained against the controls, trying desperately to right the bird, as soon as it seemed it would all be alright, there was the sound of screaming metal as the entire top of her jet was torn apart. Sparks flew and the engine cut off. Isis tried to eject, tried even to get out of the seat as the plane headed for the earth, but she was stuck, her legs crushed between the metal. There was nothing to do but wait now. Wait until she hit the ground in a fiery mass of mangled metal. She survived after the crash, it felt like an eternity it to her as her blood soaked everything around her and she died. Other: N/A Edited for you :)