[color=aba000][b]"Well, that's an interesting character... Wonder what kind of ship he flies."[/b][/color] [i][b]Rolin jogged over to meet his former Padawan by the cruiser. She and the droids were checking over all the systems to make sure they were 100%. No surprise to Rolin, they were. Rolin had modified these ships so much over the years to keep up with advancing technology that they were probably ahead of the current times.[/b][/i] [color=aba000][b]Teela[/b][/color]: "The droids came in kind of close to the station, no harm done though. Ships are intact, droids intact, station intact." [i][b]The two droids sounded their disapproval to the joking of Teela yet again, letting out a series of angry beeps. Rolin laughed and put his hand on his trusty astromech's head.[/b][/i] [color=aba000][b]"Now you both know she's just kidding. Come on, let's get these ships ready to roll, I want a test run in about half an hour. All systems need to be greener than Jabba the Hutt after a bad meal."[/b][/color] [i][b]After that he noticed a few sparking control panels near him, and started tinkering with them. Someone must have done a terrible job with this wiring, as there were a few crossed wires here and there regulating the power to the hangers. He set them right and soon the hanger lit up a bit brighter. A few other consoles also beamed to life.[/b][/i] [color=aba000][b]"Easy mistake to make if you're not careful, put the red wire in the orange connector, and the orange wire in the red connector."[/b][/color] [i][b]Rolin walked back over towards Roseland, still staring at the few pilots that were here.[/b][/i] [color=aba000][b]"You've definately got quite a ragtag group here, Commander. That being said, they're probably the best pilots you could get from my experience. Sure you could have elites straight from academies and such, but its these bunch who take the hard way that shows the best in them."[/b][/color]