[quote=@Shard] I am hoping to discuss Vail and the Recon Company with Vhagar. I don't know if Vail would be on the ship and land with the rest of the troops, but rather take another squad into enemy territory. Being a Jedi Master, Jiyan could lead the troops on the field maybe? This is something that would be nice to discuss here in the OOC before the first IC post. [/quote] Ord Mantell is being blockaded by the Separatist Navy. At the very beginning the only troops we have on the ground are going to be the ones that broke through the blockade. (This'll explain away having 'missing Battalions' that don't have players yet.) SO right now everyone is making planet fall for the first time. I'll definitely send Vail and the scouts to do recon on the pirate base and the droid factory once the Navy takes care of the blockade though.