[quote=@Shard] Will there be any Sith for the Jedi to fight after we break through the blockades? [/quote] No actual Sith. During this time the Sith order practiced the "Rule of Two" which stated that there was only ever two Sith, the Master and the apprentice. That being Sidious (Palpatine) and Count Dooku. They did have force sensitive assassins (Ventress) or other lightsaber using generals (Greivous) so yeah I can make someone up for the Jedi to fight. Since we are fighting the Banking Clan maybe a Muun force sensitive general trained by Dooku to use a lightsaber. [quote=@Vhagar] Thinking on this, would there be any Airborne or Recon troops on the ground already? I am curious about how the actual landing will work. At the moment Jiyan doesn't have a Padawan, so do we have a plan to integrate my Padawan when he/she/it arrives? It could either be a new Padawan assigned to me or there would need to be a reason for the delay. [/quote] None of our troops are on the ground yet. We'll be landing the infantry Battalions first. Once we get a foothold or link up with the Resistance the Recon/Airborne troops will be sent out to scout the two major bases that we will be attacking. (Ord Mantell City and the Matellian Droid Factory) If you don't have a Padawan by the time we start you can always just say they are newly assigned. They could even show up on Ord Mantell when you first meet them like how Anakin met Ahsoka on Christophsus. [quote=@Mortarion] [@Vandy] Sorry, hadn't had time to work on it. Exams have kept me a bit stressed, but they end tomorrow so hopefully I can begin working on my sheet full-time tomorrow (If I man not too tired that is) [/quote] That's fine, exams start for me pretty soon too.