[b]Akane Hanazawa // Cave Of Solitude[/b] June 6th, Sunday, 2015 Dungeon Sure enough, her taunts had managed to get through and work. However, it didn't go as planned as the cliche spider dungeon boss managed to trap Akane in a cliche dungeon trap. Usually in dungeon crawler H-Games, this would be where the hero(ine) gets raped by said monster. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Well, fuck..."[/b][/color] she grunted in annoyance as she tried to break free from the strong spider web. [i]Don't worry, he said, I'll take the hit, he said.[/i] She gritted her teeth as she swore to punch Noboru's face in when this is all over and done with. Luckily, Rui managed to stop the stingers from beheading her by summoning his persona, though, it didn't seem like he'd be able to hold them for long. Then she heard a ripping sound. [i]Don't tell me...[/i] Sure enough, it was Noboru ripping off his shirt. But more than that, he managed to rip apart the web with his hands and grabbed Akane with his hands. Staring at him with a blank expression, she kind of figured what he was going to do. [color=9e0b0f][b]"You Bit--"[/b][/color] He then started to swing her round and round and round and flung her right ontop of the spider. [color=9e0b0f][b]"NOOOOBBBOORRRRUUUUUU!!!"[/b][/color] She yelled mid-air as she managed to re-adjust herself and deliver a punishing kick to the shadow. [i]I'm definitely kicking his ass after this. In the meantime, this 'thing' needs some punishment.[/i] Summoning her persona, she went in with a Cruel Attack.