[color=pink][i]"So... you want to know more about me... *blush* w-well, okay..."[/i][/color]

[color=pink][b]Name[/b]:[/color] Reira Rose

[color=pink][b]Age[/b]:[/color] 18

[color=pink][b]Gender[/b]:[/color] Female

Reira is a gentle and calm girl who is friendly to everyone she meets. She's caring, compassionate, empathetic and enjoys being around people and pokemon, seeing them all happy. She doesn't talk much, often she will do gestures to communicate like a nod or shrug and make small noises like giggles and such. She enjoys time alone sitting and reading or gardening and other simple tasks like that. She's not really a hard person to understand. She's not really mysterious, but perhaps just shy. Once she is around someone for some time, she becomes more sociable. She looks young for her age but acts like someone ten years older who is mature and level headed. 

 Reira grew up in a house where she always felt she didn't belong. An older couple with ten children had taken her in when she was just two years old after being abandoned by her parents. Though they were nice to her, the couple always seemed to care more for their own children, and treated Reira much like a stray pet that had wandered in one day. Though they weren't abusive, as a child, Reira would go for days or weeks at a time, never being spoken to or allowed to leave the house and thus, developed into an introvert who never speaks unless spoken to. Being neglected like that made her feel invisible even though she was surrounded by people. 

At one point, she ran away from that home and stumbled upon a Pokemon Daycare where the owners took her in and fed her and treated her as if she were their own daughter. For once, she'd felt loved and so she couldn't help but sneaking out of her home to go and visit every single day. Slowly, Reira became a better person, being able to meet many different people who visited the daycare and learn how to treat others kindly and with an open heart. When she turned 15, she was given an egg that hatched into her first Pokemon, Buneary. Though through the years, they didn't do much training or anything like that, the two bonded and became the best of friends. 

Once she turned 17, she moved out of the house she didn't belong and 'moved' into the daycare, working in order to have her own space in the top floor. When she turned 18, the owners of the daycare urged her to go on a journey and see the rest of the world with Buneary, and so she decided she would.

[color=pink][b]Preferred Partner[/b]:[/color] Cleffa. Obtained.

[color=pink][b]Dream[/b]:[/color] She has a lot of them, though she really wants to own her very own Pokemon Daycare someday.



[color=pink][b]Current Pokemon Team:[/b][/color]
Coco - Female - Lv 9

Pecha - Female - Lv 5

[color=pink][b]Bag Items[/b][/color]

Pokeballs: [img]http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/sprites/pokeball.png[/img] x5
Potions: [img]http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/sprites/potion.png[/img]x10
Antidotes: [img]http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/sprites/antidote.png[/img] x5
Paral. Heal: [img]http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/sprites/paralyzheal.png[/img] x5
Awakening: [img]http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/sprites/awakening.png[/img] x5
Burn Heal: [img]http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/sprites/burnheal.png[/img] x5
Ice Heal: [img]http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/sprites/iceheal.png[/img] x5
Holocaster: [img]http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/sprites/holocaster.png[/img] x1

[color=pink][b]Pokemon to Catch:[/b][/color]




