Added some stuff to the second post on the first page. From now on this will be known as the "Briefing Post." I have broken it down into a few new categories, the first is the Campaign category and will give background on the current long term plot. Right now we are fighting the Banking Clan so I gave background on our enemy and named a few antagonists that will be recurring throughout the campaign. As we finish battles and heroic deeds are accomplished by our troops I will update the Campaign category with a summary of what happened with the names of characters that completed the action. I will also add the current state of the campaign, like battles that other Legions fighting the Banking Clan have been a part of to give us an idea of the greater war going on in the galaxy. We will change campaigns eventually which will bring us to another part of the galaxy with some new (and returning depending on the character) antagonists. The second category is the one you've already seen. This is the "Current Mission". Basically this will give us background on the battle we are heading towards. Who are our enemies and allies? How did the planet get to this point? What is our overall goal for the battle? Stuff like that. This will only be updated once per battle and will change more frequently than the campaign. There will be multiple battles per campaign. The Last category is labeled objectives. These are our, well, objectives. Short term. This will be updated frequently and will have assignments for each player. In order to know what your unit is supposed to be doing you need to check your objectives. I give a short background before laying out some broad tasks that need to be completed. For example, the Naval regiment needs to break the blockade. How they do that depends on the players. Objectives will also give an idea on what our soldiers are up against. Under each objective I have a line labeled [u][i][b]Assigned Units[/b][/i][/u]. This is where you look to find your unit/character. It tells what units are involved in what objective. There are currently three different objectives. I put regiments down as the assigned units. If you are unsure what regiment you fit under check the roster in the character section. Okay, that's it. I'm going to bed. Night guys :)