[@Minimum] Savannah wondered what that little slip up was. Who was Dilla? And why was Ingrid needing to go to a room that had 1000 locks on it? This was starting to get interesting but she wasn't sure if she wanted to be a part of it or not. Although, she had never been given the opportunity to do anything adventurous or fun before so she decided that she needed to come out of her shell a little. [i][color=green] "Sure! I'll come. What exactly is the "Ceeing Room" anyway? Does it have something to do with your school?" [/color][/i] Savannah waited eagerly for Ingrid to answer her and looked around her with a newfound curiosity and hopefulness for her future at this school. Her mind was still whirling with the question of who Dilla was. Was it Ingrid's professor and she just made an honest mistake? Or was there something Ingrid was not telling her? I guess she would have to wait and find out for herself.