... I'll give this a try. Name: Nahla-Ti Species: Togruta Age: 13 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d7/Ahsoka_Tano.png[/img] (Only thing i could find on the internet... Both lightsabers are full ones.) Rank: Padawan Personality: Although she is cautious and will generally do what she's told and wait for somebody else she can also be energetic and excitable, ready to do anything and prove herself. Her lack of strength in the force annoys her but she tries to keep it out of her mind as is the jedi way. Abilities: Limited telekinesis and sensing. Trakata Jar'kai mix of lightsaber combat. Bio: Not spending much time out of the jedi temple she was practically raised there after her parents abandoned her and she was discovered by a jedi. Now however the war has started, becoming a padawan she was almost immediately sent out to the front lines to continue her training and help in the war. Her force powers aren't the best by far although they are there enabling her to sense powerful occurences and feelings and do things like knock somebody back a metre. However she excelled in her training of the lightsaber feeling that the double bladed Trakata suited her perfectly.