[@Eklispe] [@KatherinWinter] [@booksmusicanime] [@Rex] [@duskshine749] The master would turn to Alex and would be about to say something but then turns his head to Zephyr "..Zephyr don't laugh" he states "first of all this is the time to ask questions even to things you have no business messing with" he states "And just so you know Messing with Time is child's play to me" he tells Zephyr before looking back to Alex "Maniplulating time is a very, very dangerious thing to do" he tells alex "Even the most powerful masters tend to not use it because if you make a mistake you'll destroy the entire universe" he states. "now as for the specific situation you spoke about... that would be speeding a person's own biological time up" he says "dangerious again because if you can't stop it they'll turn into sand within a few minutes" he tells them "Not everyone develops magic the same way, two users of the same element could have completely different offensive attacks" he states "Personally I'd mark time as one of the forbidden magics because you have no reason to alter time" he states "not that you technically can... you'll just be sent into a separate time line that goes besides ours" he looks around rubbing his chin some "well technology can highly interfere with a low level magic user... like you all" he states "as you grow stronger you can learn to reduce its interference but you always must calculate it trying to do something or else you'll ... well fuck up" he says turning to the board and writes 'Necromancy' 'Daemonic' and 'Chrono' "these types of magic along with at lest one other are considered by most as forbidden." he tells them "No council have made laws against them but their considered forbidden for how dangerous they are. If you fail in a daemonic spell you'll call forth something that'll cause massive havoc and possible destroy the world" he states "I have already spoken about Chrono.. aka time magic... and finally Necromancy... it's pointless to try and bring back the dead... the dead can never be brought back" he tells them "all those who have tried only received a corpse.... who had the soul for only a few hours before just having a soulless zombie" he shakes his head "Most who have dabbled into these three magics have became insane or have been killed by it" he tells them. "the fourth magic you don't need to even know about because it's extremely ancient I very much don't think anyone knows about it anymore" he states "and that's end of that discussion" he states.