[b][color=red]Name:[/color][/b] Logan [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 18 [b][color=red]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=red]Appearance:[/color][/b] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/f423/f/2012/052/9/a/clyde_stratton_by_orohnpokemon-d4pd4no.png[/img] [b][color=red]Personality:[/color][/b] Cool dude through and through. Chill, laid back, and relaxed. Believes there is to much drama in the world. Going here, doing that, worrying about this, and who goes there. Logan doesn't get too hyped about anything besides his friends and family. He isn't lazy either he actually has a get up and go attitude, but don't rush him. He hates being rushed. As remarkably lax as he is about doing things he always seems to get it done right on time. He likes to brag about it too. "See, I told you it would get done. You worry to much." That's pratically his catchphrase. He can often be found staring at something like he is about to say something profound. Which is usually the case, but sometimes he can use it to his advantage pulling pranks by suddenly spouting out random facts. His laid back attitude shows up on the field too. Prefering defensive strategies until he sees the opportune moment to strike. His favorite food is Blukberry Milkshakes and his favorite color despite his clothes is green. He says he doesn't look good in green. [b][color=red]History:[/color][/b] Born and raised in Geosenge Town, Logan is the son of Hotel Marine Snow's owners. That being said Logan had contact with all kinds of people from all over the place. Traveller's from Kanto to Unova visited the odd little town for it's unique tourist attractions. From world leaders to popular movie stars every kind of trainer, traveller, and tourist passed through Marine Snow's doors. One of such people was Logan's hero, Crasher Wake. Wake was Logan's favorite wrestler from Sinnoh. He stayed up late on fridays just to watch him. So when he passed through Geosenge on his retirement tour Logan couldn't pass it up. Logan waited in line for ten hours for Wake's autograph. Finally he met him and was asked his name and where he was from. When Wake heard Logan was from Geosenge and his parents owned the hotel he gave a big smile. "Kid, don't ever let your folk's place down. It's got to be my favorite place I have ever stayed." Logan nodded and smiled wide speechless that his hero's favorite place to stay was his home town. The next day Logan begged for a pokemon of his own. Being the protective parents they were Logan's father caught him his Golett Oleg. [b][color=red]Preferred Partner:[/color][/b] Chespin [b][color=red]Dream:[/color][/b] To become a world reknown trainer so he can expand Hotel Marine Snow to become a world reknown resort. [b][color=red]Theme:[/color][/b]