[b]Name[/b]: Jean Hakata [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Gender[/b]: [color=0072bc]"Boy, but if you need proof I'll happily oblige."[/color] [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://i.imgur.com/WL5e4UR.jpg[/img] [b]Personality[/b]: In case you couldn't get it just by looking at him, he is a delinquent. If you pick a fight with him then expect to get punched back into yesteryear or at least into a hospital. He is blunt and has a tongue sharper than any knife, the king of smart asses if you will. Jean is a strong, free spirit that wants to see what there is out in the world. His vulgarity matches his bluntness and women beware, he is a flirt with a very smooth tongue. While he is a bit of a thug, he does have redeeming qualities. He isn't a cruel or mean-spirited person by any sort. He is a kind man and at times, surprisingly gentle when it comes to children and pokemon. It should be noted that he is very clever and undeniably shrewd when he puts his mind to it. Due to helping his parents run the restaurant he is a very talented chef and knows how to make use of it in order to make money on the side. [b]History[/b]: [color=0072bc]"There's not much to say. My mom is from Kalos and my dad is from Johto. They met, got married, opened a restaurant in Lumiose City, and had me. I helped them run the joint after school and learned to cook via under fire. I could've stuck around and continued helping them, but I need to stretch my wings. Ya know what I mean? I heard Old Man Sycamore was giving a way free pokemon so I thought that I may as well give being a trainer to try. Mom was more supportive than my old man, but hey, parents always worry about the worst case scenario. What's the worst that could happen?"[/color] [b]Preferred Partner[/b]: [img] http://www.smogon.com/dex/media/sprites/xy/gligar.gif[/img] [b]Dream[/b]: [color=0072bc]"Just to see what the world has to offer. It couldn't hurt if I got famous along the way."[/color] [b]Theme[/b]: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dKy50VNyhM[/url]