Since he had learned of the cut off in communication to Earth, Maxim had had mixed feelings. It was a unique feeling adjusting to life without directives given to him by Wolf Labs, almost a [i]bad[/i] feeling. His whole purpose in being was the lab's experiments and the prospect of becoming independent from those was daunting to say the least. He felt lost, if Wolf Labs was truly gone than his purpose for living was gone with it. As the briefing began, he narrowed his focus and shook off the thought. Worrying about it was useless and dangerous, he couldn't allow his concentration slip lest he end up like the haunting scenes he had seen during his service in the Mars conflicts. The faint image of a burnt infant curled up in the sands of Mars, a casualty of a fire fight that had unfortunately taken place near a small settlement. He remembered stepping out of the cockpit and standing over the body. "[i]Just a roasted peanut..[/i]" his brother had said as he stepped over the body. Maxim laughed shakily as he stepped past the body. [i]Just a roasted peanut[/i] he had thought as he trailed after his brother. A cold planet it seemed was the next destination, a place where the Kazak's cockpit would not turn into a large oven. With almost a smirk he rose from his seat, saluted the captain, and exited towards the hangar. The extra details were meaningless, he knew where they were going and what they were doing. 'Why' was above him.