[hider=Amelia][center] [b]Name[/b]: Amelia Alison Averyonna [b]Age[/b]: 14 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/7f9e/f/2012/110/2/2/rin_kagamine_render_by_saorit-d4wzmzb.png[/img] [b]Personality[/b]: Amelia, due to her lack of interaction with other people, if a very shy, gentle young girl and sometimes can be a bit naïve to the ways of the world. She much prefers the company of pokemon, particularly Ghost-types, and tries to find a non-violent route to solve problems. However, underneath this exterior is a girl who has a strong will and is willing to do whatever she needs to in order to help her friends, even if it puts her own health at risk. Once she gets used to someone, she can prove to be rather cheerful and rather easy to amuse and get a laugh out of. On a side note, Amelia has a large sweet tooth and cannot deny sweets when offered. She also has a fear of loud noises and shouting. [b]History[/b]: Hailing from Lavender Town, Amelia has lead a relatively uneventful life due to her poor health. Her parents often kept an overly watchful eye on her and severely limited the activities she was allowed to do as a result of this, making it difficult for the girl to interact with other children and make friends. Despite this, when her parents weren't looking, Amelia would often sneak into the Pokémon Tower and spend time with the Ghost-type pokemon that resided there. These pokemon where her only friends and she played with them as often as she could. It was only when she was playing with her ghostly friends that she felt happy. When she was ten, she asked her parents permission to go on a journey, as was tradition. Her parent flat out denied this and instead began teaching Amelia how to run the souvenir store that they ran, though it was still rare for her to talk to customers. Unhappy with this, even though she was making money in the process, Amelia hatched a plan to run away. Approaching her pokemon friends for help, it took four years but she eventually had the money to buy a ticket to take a boat and then a plane to the Kalos region, leaving under the cover of night with the pokemon from the tower covering her escape. [b]Preferred Partner[/b]: [img]http://graphics.tppcrpg.net/xy/normal/607F.gif[/img] [b]Dream[/b]: Amelia really doesn't have a dream yet, though she hopes to find a goal to pursue while traveling. [b]Theme[/b]: (Optional) [b]Misc[/b]: Amelia has a heart condition that causes her great pain when she is under too much stress and has pushed her body too far. In some cases, she also coughs up blood. [/center][/hider] [hider=Joshua][center] [b]Name[/b]: Joshua Tamashii [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32700000/Yatogami-Kuroh-k-32742683-467-600.jpg[/img] [b]Personality[/b]: Joshua has a bit of a conflicting personality. He is a lone wolf by nature, preferring to keep to himself and interact with others as little as possible. Despite this though, he does care for people and is always willing to help them out if they need it. He also is always willing to help new trainers when he can, though he won't directly help them unless he thinks they actually need it. When he does interact with others, he's generally blunt and does not hold back in voicing his opinions unless he sees them as being severely detrimental to a trainer's progress. While he will not hesitate to call out their weaknesses but he will refrain from telling them that anything is impossible to overcome. In battle, Joshua is a ruthless opponent, being analytical and taking advantage of his opponent's weaknesses. His frequent journeys away from his gym usually results in him meeting potential challengers before hand and see them in action and prepare ahead of time. [b]History[/b]: A young man from Ecruteak Town, Joshua was born into an average family who made enough money to get by and occasionally enjoy a few luxuries. He was often the only child left out of activities in town due to him anti-social tendencies, which often resulted in misunderstandings that often turned into fights with the other kids. Joshua's favorite place to be in the town was the Gym, where he would watch Morty battle with various trainers from Johto and beyond from the shadows. Morty himself was one of the few people Joshua would talk with in town and it was Morty who taught Joshua how to battle, allowing Joshua to use his Ghost-types since the young boy couldn't own any Pokémon of his own. It was these training matches and spectated battles that inspired Joshua to become a Gym Leader Joshua left the town borders one day and came across an injured Absol while exploring. Rushing back to Morty, the gym leader helped Joshua get the Disaster Pokémon to a Pokémon Center so it could be treated. Morty offered to take care of the Absol for Joshua, until the boy turned ten and could own a Pokémon of his own. When Joshua turned ten, he left to go on his journey, taking the Absol Morty had been taking care for him with him. Joshua and Absol would journey across the Johto Region, battling the various gym leaders and other trainers he came across. He quickly came to realize he had an affinity for Dark-type Pokémon and when he entered the Pokémon League, every Pokémon he use was a Dark-type. While he ultimately lost, he vowed to become the first Dark-type Gym Leader and left to journey across other regions to hone his skills. [b]Current Team[/b]: [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/0/00/Absol_XY.gif/revision/latest?cb=20141113050137[/img] [b]Preferred Partner[/b]: none [b]Dream[/b]: [b]Theme[/b]: [/center][/hider]